Thanks Rob. This is very reassuring.

El 24 sept. 2016 23:33, "Rob Emanuele" <> escribió:

> Hi María,
> I'm not a charter member, so don't get to vote; however I do participate
> in the OSGeo and FOSS4G world, and I just want to publicly share that your
> statement really resonates with me. Though we have never met, it seems
> clear to me from your statement that you have vision, honesty, and are
> considerate of what is truly important in our communities. I also agree
> with all of the views you mention. If I were able to vote, you would have
> mine :)
> Cheers,
> Rob
> On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 2:23 PM, María Arias de Reyna <
>> wrote:
>> So, let's try to answer the main question:
>>  "What should the community expect from my board membership?"
>> <TL;DR>
>> I am a very active activist :) More known on the spanish speaking
>> geo-world, I would say. I work with spatial metadata and GeoNetwork.
>> I intend to make OSGeo as inclusive and free (as in free puppies) as
>> possible. I want OSGeo to continue being transparent, comfortable and
>> useful to promote FLOSS in the geo world. I would like to press on
>> public administrations so they promote open data and software. I would
>> like to increase diversity of OSGeo (because, you already notice, most
>> of you are white men on developed countries with a similar vision, you
>> know).
>> Anyway, all the candidates proposed are really good. So, whoever you
>> choose to vote, you will make a good choice. But vote, be involved,
>> please :)
>> </TL;DR>
>> Many of you don't know me, I know. Maybe if I say "metadata" and
>> "(meta)cat" some bell will ring. Maybe not. Let me talk you a bit
>> about me, let's put humility aside for a moment.
>> I work for GeoCat, which you *should* remember from sponsoring many
>> geo-events. I work with metadata. Ever heard of GeoNetwork, the data
>> catalog? Well, that's part of my work. I am also part of the
>> geoinquietos group, which is one of the most active group in the
>> spanish speaking geo-world. We are a very unorganized welcoming group
>> that tries to make geothings fun. Unconferences, mapping parties,
>> geobeers, workshops,... Anything we can enjoy while sharing our
>> knowledge and help people around us.
>> Some people say I'm very straight forward when talking. I can't help
>> it. I don't like dancing around an idea losing time while the elephant
>> sits on the center of the room eating all the peanuts. So this I can
>> assure you: I will fight for what I think is better, even if it means
>> making me look unpolite or the "bad cop". I'm used to get my hands
>> dirty, I don't care. And if OSGeo decides to do something I don't
>> agree with, I promise you I will fight the same (unless it makes me so
>> uncomfortable I have to step down, but I don't think this can happen,
>> we share the same goals). It will not be the first time I have to
>> defend something I don't fully agree with. But, anyway, unless OSGeo
>> changes a lot, this is not bothering me.
>> To me, transparency is key. You will never hear me saying opposite
>> things in private and in public. I will not say things in public I
>> understand they shouldn't be made public. But you will never hear me
>> defend something in private and another thing in public. I can change
>> my mind, of course, and that happens more often than what I am willing
>> to admit :) But I will not be a hypocrit and I usually have no problem
>> in sharing my knowledge or perspective on something. I don't like
>> being manipulative. I don't like lies. I don't think the end justifies
>> the means.
>> Let's focus on OSGeo and how I see it. As we heard on the FOSS4G: This
>> is about people. And I couldn't agree more. I see OSGeo as an
>> organization built on top of regional chapters which are built on top
>> of local "chapters" which are built by people. So my idea of OSGeo is
>> like a pyramid, where local "layers" work together to get the same
>> goal at the top. "Think globally, act locally". And that's how I think
>> it should work. Spread the work into very small pieces so we all can
>> contribute to a greater good. I think this is how we should always
>> work.
>> So I think it is important to promote small events all around the
>> world. Specially if they focus on target groups we are not very close
>> to. I would like to see more diversity in the OSGeo membership, we are
>> all very "standard". As we diversify our base, we will get better
>> ideas and visions on the top. On my utopic OSGeo vision, there will be
>> a group of local "geoinquietos" everywhere, all of them making the
>> world better while having fun.
>> Changing the subject to something more earthly: I see there is some
>> buzzing around LocationTech. To me, they are important allies. They
>> are more "open" and we are more "free", but as we agree on, let's say,
>> 80% of the goals, why not work together on that 80%? Once we achieve
>> those goals we can start an open war about that 20%. In the meantime,
>> it would be stupid to fight.
>> If you don't understand why I distinguish between open and free, here
>> is the answer:
>> g-2016-1106-free_open_and_libre-hd.webm
>> Yes, that's me. Now you know my face too :)
>> I think this is it. I hope to have convinced you to vote for me. If
>> not, well, I will have to focus more on the "lower" layers of the
>> pyramid.
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