Dear All,

Welcome to Angelos and Maria as new board members.
Congratulations to Mike and Vasile on their relection.

Sincere thanks to Maxi and Dirk for all the time and
effort in serving the foundation as Board members.

Thanks to Jorge and Jeff all their hard work in getting
2016 Board elections through.



On 2016/10/06 4:49, Maria Antonia Brovelli wrote:
Dear Jorge and dear Community
Many thanks for your trust in me. We will need all your help for making OSGeo 
even stronger and greater than it currently is.
I want to thank Jorge once again for his valuable effort and Dirk and Maxi for 
having served so enthusiastically and tirelessly the Board for the benefit of 
the Foundation and the Community.

Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung
-------- Messaggio originale --------
Da: Jorge Sanz <>
Data: 05/10/2016 12:00 (GMT+02:00)
A: OSGeo Discussions <>,
Cc: CRO <>
Oggetto: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Election 2016] Board of Directors elections results

Dear OSGeo community,

These are the results from the 2016 elections[1] for the 4 open
seats[2]  of the OSGeo Board of Directors. The results in alphabetical
order are:

* Angelos Tzotsos
* Maria Antonia Brovelli
* Michael Smith
* Vasile Craciunescu

Thanks to all candidates to oging through the elections process.
Election figures are:

* 78.8% participation (246 of 312)
* 6 incomplete responses
* 60 members not opened the voting

There were no scores to arbitrate. Thank you all who voted!!

The complete resulting Board for 2016/2017 is:

* Angelos Tzotsos
* Anita Graser
* Helena Mitasova
* Jody Garnett
* Maria Antonia Brovelli
* Michael Smith
* Sanghee Shin
* Vasile Craciunescu
* Venkatesh Raghavan

Maybe it's my impression but is not the most diverse Board we've had?
Anyway, I will update the wiki pages for the Board of Directors ASAP.

Please congratulate the new OSGeo Directors!

A warm thank you for the outgoing Directors Maxi and Dirk for all your
efforts for the Foundation, looking forward to keep seeing your hard
work for the community in many other fronts.

My job as CRO is almost finished now, I will update the wiki with the
detailed results[3] as soon as possible. I want to give a big thank
you to everyone for your cooperation but specially to Jeff McKenna for
his always close look to all my actions fixing small issues and taking
care of the job when I was absent. I will open a separate thread for a
couple of discussions about this process and also a small
retrospective and lessons learnt.

Kind regards


Jorge Sanz
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