Hi Edwin,

You can grab an OSGeo logo at https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/marketing/logo/

Thanks for sharing the passion!


Jeff McKenna
President Emeritus, OSGeo Foundation

On 2016-11-01 6:11 PM, Edwin Liava'a wrote:
Hi Suchith,

This is great news indeed. On the same token I will be presenting
GeoForAll during the Pacific GIS/RS Users Conference
http://gisconference.gsd.spc.int/ on Thursday 1/12/2016
10:20am-10:40am Fiji Time.

Will totally appreciate it if there is a presentation template that I
can use, and also do I have permission to put the OSGeo logo and
GeoForAll on t-shirts for me and my team to wear on the day :)

Best regards,


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