Dear OSGeo Fellows,

earlier this month, Anne and I attended GSoC Mentors Summit at Google's
Tech Corners in California as OSGeo delegates, and also had the chance to
visit NASA Ames Research Center, as our mentor for NASA WorldWind, Patrick
Hogan, graciously hosted us for a guided tour! (Thank you again Patrick!).

(Partly) recovered from the jet-lag, it is now time to make some
reflections and decide how to follow up in this great experience that is
the Google Summer of Code. Talking to Anne, she frankly said that she
doesn't wish to continue as GSoC admin for the next year. Actually, wen I
stepped in as admin 2 years ago, she had already decided to quit, but
nevertheless, she continued for another two years. Now I think we already
abused her availability.

>From my side, I wish to continue, and I actually wanted even explore the
possibility to participate in the Google Code-in [1]. But this is another
story, that deserves another dedicated thread. It is late to apply for it
this year, so there will be time to discuss it over.

My most important point here is: we need a GSoC admins team. Ideally
another 2 people, that are willing to work together with me to continue the
great OSGeo's experience in GSoC. This is not paid work, however,
traditionally 2 GSoC admins have the honor to attend the yearly mentor
summit in California, hosted in the Google premises, and the expenses
reimbursed by Google.

Notwithstanding my good will to continue in the role of admin, I have to be
realistic and say that I cannot do it alone, so if other volunteers are not
found, I'm afraid our participation in GSoC it is going to an end this year.

Please, feel free to circulate this call to your connections, former
mentors or former GSoC students, Geo-For-All fellows, etc.. We need your



Margherita Di Leo
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