Hi Karoli,

Welcome to GeoForAll and the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. Through OSGeo 
,you are now part of the world’s largest Geospatial ecosystem , so we welcome 
you to the huge network of our partners and collaborators globally from 
governments, industry , universities, NGOs worldwide that you can connect to 
expand your ideas rapidly. Open innovation is key in driving Digital Economy 
opportunities and we are determined to make sure that everyone benefits. We 
believe in empowering people with spatial decision making tools to help build a 
better society for all of humanity.

For strategies for sustain STEM(GIS Education) in Tanzania , I suggest you 
start making use of the resources we have already for expanding your training 
programs from school to university level.

GeoForAll's mission is to make geospatial education opportunities open to all 
and to make sure we all work together to create global citizens contributing to 
the betterment of humanity. Caring and Sharing are important values that all 
students should learn . Details of why this is important at 

For the freely available training materials visit 

For those of your students and colleagues wishing to learn GIS, there are  free 
online materials produced by GeoForAll colleagues at GeoAcademy. Thier  FOSS4G 
Academy Curriculum with comprehensive QGIS tutorials are at 

Feel free to share them with all. Download QGIS from http://qgis.org/en/site/   
        (there is also lot of documentation for learning at 

I would also like to share some other resources which will be ueful for you for 
expanding your education programs. Please make use of OSGeo-Live for your 
program needs and give away as many DVDs or USBs with the software as you wish 
to your students. So students from now not only learn but get the software and 
fully empowered . This is a very useful resource for running training programs 
etc. DVDs are easy and low cost to replicate, so you can print thousands of 
DVDs with all the free and open source Geo software and have them distributed 
to your colleagues and students as you wish. OSGeo-Live is a self-contained 
bootable DVD, USB thumb drive or Virtual Machine , that allows you to try a 
wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything. It 
is composed entirely of free software, allowing it to be freely distributed, 
duplicated and passed around. Details at http://live.osgeo.org/en/index.html

Contents and quick start guides of 50+ tools available from desktop GIS to 
webmapping to mobile at http://live.osgeo.org/en/overview/overview.html

http://live.osgeo.org/en/presentation/index.html#/        (Quick start 
presentation to give you an overview).

Access to quality education is everyone's birthright and we now have the 
opportunity to make this happen. The cost of hardware is coming down (and will 
keep coming down), internet access is increasing , so the only big hurdle is 
the high  cost of software .

Please be our GeoAmbassadors and share these ideas with all.

Open principles in education (open educational resources, free and open 
software, open data, open standards etc) are key for  true empowerment of staff 
and students globally and making education and opportunities accessible to all 
. We look forward to working and building collaborations with all interested in 
this education mission. Access to quality education and opportunities is key 
for getting rid of extreme poverty and enabling broadly shared prosperity for 

I am sure other colleagues will be able to provide more information on your 
queries. I am ccing our OSGeo discuss colleagues as FOSS4G 2018 in Tanzania is 
a great opportunity to build more synergies in our education efforts. We are  
looking forward to work with you  on this.

Best wishes,


From: karoli fabian <kar...@greenae.org>
Sent: 20 February 2017 8:13 AM
To: Anand Suchith; geofor...@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: [Geo4All] Welcoming Tanzania colleagues for expanding STEM 
Education ideas

Hello GeoForAll

Let me introduce myself, I am Young geoscientist, graduate at university of Dar 
es Salaam (BSc with Geology, 2014),Currently working as GIS analyst and farm 
technologist at green agriculture and environment ltd, collecting and analyses 
all GIS data for the case of monitoring and managing crops at the farm.

At a STEM Education, I was GIS tutor training students the application of drone 
in GIS and how the GIS can solve our community problem.

I real thanks God and dr.lwidiko for this great network I have now and 
hopefully will going expend years to come.

I have few staffs need to share with you which will boost us in this initiative.

1.      strategies for sustain STEAM(GIS Education) in Tanzania

Ø  How can you contribute in training the tutor like me(through online training)

Ø  ………………….. (can anyone add more)

2.      Evaluation for the success of GIS Education

Ø  How can we have the database of new user of GIS trained by us.

Ø  How can we support the brilliant GIS project which will solve the community 
problems in Tanzania.

Thanks I welcome contribution.

Best Regards
Karoli fabian
GIS/Database Specialist/Farm technology Analyst
Green Agriculture and Environment Ltd
Face book; Karoli Emmanuel Fabian
LinkedIn; karoli Fabian

From: GeoForAll [mailto:geoforall-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Suchith 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 12:45 AM
To: geofor...@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Geo4All] Welcoming Tanzania colleagues for expanding STEM Education 

GeoForAll Colleagues,

I would like to welcome Karoli Fabian, Lwidiko Edward to GeoForAll and looking 
forward to expand these STEM Education ideas using Open Principles globally. I 
had a great meeting with them earlier today.

Some videos of this kindly send by Lwidiko and team below

Summary of the bootcamp at https://youtu.be/yKIwgy656VA

Mapping Class at  https://youtu.be/v2iHAiYoxf0

More details at 

I will share this information at the EuroGeo2017 in Amsterdam later next week 
and start building global collaborations in GeoSTEM education for everyone 
.FOSS4G-2018 event [1] will be held at the Julius Nyerere International 
Conference Centre, Dar-es-Salaam and run from Monday 27th August through to 
Sunday 2nd September, 2018 and is a great opportunity to expand ideas.

Best wishes,


[1] http://www.osgeo.org/node/1752

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