Thanks Peter, very enjoyable to read the history! Happy 30th anniversary to the famous video.

Also, I'm proud to have played a small part in that video's history: at FOSS4G 2004 in Bangkok Jim Westervelt wowed us all when he first showed the digital version of that video in his keynote, and I waited patiently after his talk and got him to sign my GRASS 4.1 Users Manual (it is still on my desk here now, signed on 2004-09-14, love it!) and I asked him for a copy of that video. I think he gave it to me on a CD ha, and the rest is history, we then shared that digital copy everywhere :)

Of course it was that same meeting where Markus, Venka and I would first meet and agree to create the annual FOSS4G event.

Thanks for putting a big smile on my face today Peter!


Jeff McKenna
President Emeritus, OSGeo Foundation

On 2017-03-23 2:07 PM, "Peter Löwe" wrote:
[Apologies for cross-posting !]

Hallo all,
this year marks the 30th anniversary of the release of the original GRASS GIS 
video dating from 1987.

In recognisation of the videos significance for Geoinformatics, OSGeo and Star 
Trek, a post about „Star Trek, Universität Hannover and the origins of computer 
cartography“ has been released on the blog of the German National Library of 
Science and Technology, yesterday, being the birthday of William Shatner and 
the future birthday of James T. Kirk:

A link to the high-resolution version of the video is included.


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