Dear FOSS4G Community,

We, the FOSS4G NA Core Committee, are looking for a volunteer to chair the
conference committee for the FOSS4G North America 2018 conference. The
Conference Committee Chair (CCC) will be responsible for working with the
Logistical Organizer (LO) to run a successful conference in 2018. The CCC
ultimately shapes the conference, and the success of the conference largely
relies on his or her passion and hard work. The North America geospatial
community needs someone who is willing to commit themselves to making this
FOSS4G NA the best ever, for the benefit of and with the gratitude of all
of us. If this sounds like you or someone you know, please get in touch!

Some details:

The CCC chooses, organizes and leads the conference committee. The
conference committee will work with the LO to run the conference. The
FOSS4G NA core committee, as part of our responsibilities, have chosen the
Eclipse Foundation/LocationTech as the Logistical Organizer. The Eclipse
Foundation was the LO for past two FOSS4G NA conferences, and has been
organizing conferences professionally for 14 years.

The responsibilities of the LO and CCC are described in the FOSS4G NA
governance document here: In short, the CCC and the
conference committee are responsible for all conference content and any
activities that fall outside the scope of the Logistical Organizer.

The Eclipse Foundation will be on the forefront of selecting a city and
venue for the 2018 conference, based on a well trodden process that they as
conference organizers have been doing for many years with a lot of success.
This includes  FOSS4G NA 2015 (San Francisco) and FOSS4G NA 2016 (Raleigh),
which have seen the highest attendee numbers for FOSS4G NA conferences with
very positive attendee feedback. The CCC, core committee, and general
public are invited to participate in the city/venue/date selection process
by suggesting and making cases for cities and venues in open discussion.
The date of the conference and the venue will come down to where the LO can
support and a final decision by the core committee.

While the CCC should reside in North America, the CCC is not required to
live in the city which is chosen to host the event; in fact the city will
not be chosen until after a CCC has been selected. However, the CCC is
expected to work with local organizations and volunteers (such as OSGeo
local chapters, local geo meetup groups, etc) in order to ensure the
conference includes local participation. Participation by local volunteers
has been a key element in the success of past conferences. The core
committee, the LO, and the general community can and will help with this
task of recruiting local involvement, but the responsibility of organizing
local involvement lies with the CCC.

If you would like to volunteer for CCC, please make a post to the
<!forum/foss4gna_selection> google group
describing why you want to be involved. If you have any questions, please
feel free to post to the foss4gna_selection list or contact the core
committee at


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