Dear all,

The summary and slides from  the RDA-Europe / BlueBRIDGE Datathon on Fisheries 
and Aquaculture that was held on 15-16 June 2017 in Heraklion, Crete, Greece  
might be of interest. The event was kindly hosted by the Institute of Marine 
Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture of the Hellenic Centre for Marine 
Research (IMBBC/HCMR) . Details at

Dr. Marco Minghini (Polimi, Italy)  presented the work of  Geospatial IG and 
examples of  some geospatial open datasets of interest for the datathon. 
Details at

I want to thank Marco for also using Zenodo as it is great example that Open 
Science knows no borders! The digital revolution has necessitated a re­tooling 
of the scholarly processes to handle data and software, but this is proceeding 
at varying speeds across different communities, disciplines, and nations. To 
ensure no one is left behind through lack of access to the necessary tools and 
resources, Zenodo makes the sharing, curation and publication of data and 
software a reality for all scientists

Best wishes,


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