Hi Patrick,

Thanks for these excellent updates and apologies for the delay in reply as I 
was away on family holidays and just back and catching up with all mails.

Thanks to all the students and mentors for their work on these excellent 
projects whose ideas will benefit all

I am looking forward to meet and discuss ideas with all students and mentors in 
Helsinki later next week for the final awards ceremony.

Best wishes,


From: Discuss <discuss-boun...@lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Hogan, Patrick 
(ARC-PX) <patrick.ho...@nasa.gov>
Sent: 19 August 2017 5:58 PM
To: OSGeo Discussions; geofor...@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Collaborate or be less! Helsinki will challenge        
your mettle. . .

Dear OSGeo and GeoForAll,
I cannot pass up a chance to share some upcoming good news,
reaching a climax in Helsinki the week after next.
NASA WorldWind is ‘old’ girl, 15 years now,
and a very proud girl at that.
She is the original ^open source geospatial^ giving Earth to all,
via a virtual globe SDK, that today is still alive and well.
That's a pretty long life for a software project.

-----Original Email-----
From: Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX)
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2017 12:42 PM
Subject: Collaborate or be less! Helsinki will challenge your mettle. . .
Importance: High

Dear Europa Challenge Elite Teams,

Time to show your ^mettle^ to yourselves, to each other and to the world. The 
original plan was for your project to deliver solutions serving sustainability 
and urban management needs. With the over-arching theme of sharing these 
solutions in a way that facilitates our ability to collectively advance them 
together. In addition, the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition 
group, GODAN.info, is looking for web apps that focus on agricultural issues.

This group of projects have all taken a big step in that direction. To achieve 
the next level, it is incumbent on each team to reach out to other teams in two 
ways. ^One^ [the pull] is to discover capabilities in other projects that could 
be customized to serve your project and get that team to help you implement. 
^Two^ [the push] is to see capabilities in your web app that may be of value to 
other projects and help them incorporate the feature(s).

During our upcoming spectacular but short time together in Helsinki, you will 
have the rare opportunity to find those ^touchstone points^ where 
cross-pollination between projects can occur. As an incentive for that, 
Helsinki is offering two (2) cash awards of 500€ each. This cash will go to the 
two teams who demonstrate the most successful push/pull with the other teams. 
In other words you are rewarded for helping each other become more!

Sustainable Earth:
To quote Ron Fortunato, the NASA Teacher-In-Space astronaut, who will be there 
with us, "to maximize success in being competitive, we must also be 
collaborative." This then takes us ^all^ to the next level, allowing us to 
accomplish ^so^ much more, as we continue to challenge each other while also 
working in concert with each other.

Feel free to start NOW! Review each other's projects, be prepared to ask 
probing questions, and begin hooking up with each other NOW!
The project teams are listed below (with emails). They will be there with you 
in Helsinki. Reach out and get ready to collaborate!

NASA Crystal Bulls, world-class bragging rights and some nice cash awards await 
1st: 2.500€
2nd 1.500€
3rd 1.000€
500€ each for two top collaborators!
Plus plenty of really cool SWAG!

Project Manager

A person's ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding 
situation in a spirited and resilient way.
"the team showed their true mettle in the second half"
Synonyms: spirit, fortitude, strength of character, moral fiber, steel, 
determination, resolve, resolution, backbone, grit, true grit, courage, 
courageousness, bravery, valor, fearlessness, daring

The Academia Teams and Members:
World Weather, Jordan
• Khaled Sharif
• Farah Salah
AgroSphere, California
• Stacey Chen
• John Nguyen
• Atreya Iyer
• Mingda Tang
3D Open Street Map, Italy
• Candan Eylül Kilsedar
• Mentor: Jakub Balhar
AWARE Algo Wildfire Analysis & pREdiction, UK
• Vishal Soomaney Vijaykumar
• Peter Jupp
• Flinn Dolman
• Lilian Blot
Smart Pollen Monitor, Germany
• Thunyathep Santhanavanich
• Giuliano Baumann
• Patrick Wuerstle
• Thilo Pfalzgraf
• Prof Volker Coors
MuViAS: Multi Dimension Viz & Analysis Suite, Italy
• Gabriele Prestifilippo
• Mentor: Jakub Balhar
Perfekt City, Finland
• Perttu LÃhteenlahti
• Felix Lindholm
• Jonne Huotari
• Henri Malkki
• Jonne Airaksinen
Satellio Berry Monitor, Finland
• Lauri Hame
• Joni Norppa
• Atte Korhonen
FestApp, Finland
• Nuutti Helminen
• Antti Salmi
• Teemu Annala
• Antti Salmi
Drone-Trek, Finland
• AMahdy Abdelaziz
• Gayathri Murukesan
• Nitin Agrawal
• Ksenia Zueva
• Prateek Singh
• Erika Halonen
Farmate, Finland
• Thomas Langerak
• Milda Norkute
• Abhishek Shetty
• Matti Kummu
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