Hello all, 

I second this nomination. Guido is the person with humour, creativity, forward 
thinking, and most of all enthusiasm toward community. Definitely Guido will be 
great asset to OSGeo. 

Kind regards, 
Shin, Sanghee
Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company

보낸 사람: Michael Smith
보낸 날짜: 2017년 8월 25일 금요일 오전 7:15
받는 사람: discuss@lists.osgeo.org
제목: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member nomination for Guido Stein

I would like to nominate Guido Stein for OSGeo Charter membership. 
As most people should know, Guido was co-chair of the Boston LOC for 2017. And, 
as was expected, he did an amazing job. The conference was a complete success 
and Guido's touches were everywhere, with the detail and effort that he puts 
into things. He is currently working efforts to establish a US local chapter of 
OSGeo. He is a valuable member of the community and he should be recognized as 
a charter member.

Michael Smith
OSGeo Foundation Treasurer 

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