Forwarding Josh Campbell nomination by
Jeffrey Johnson. The 2017 member nominations list was updated [1].

Best regards,
Vasile & Jeff
2017 OSGeo Elections CROs


-------- Forwarded Message --------

I would like to nominate Josh Campbell as a charter member of OSGeo.

Dr. Joshua S. Campbell, Founder and CEO of Sand Hill Geographic, has
over 15 years of experience working with geographic information
science and technology, including a range of open source GIS software.
He has built and deployed open source geospatial solutions for a range
of academic, government, and international organizations. While at the
State Department's Humanitarian Information Unit, Dr. Campbell created
MapGive, a crowdsource mapping initiative (built with all open source
software) designed to catalyze open geographic data production to
support the humanitarian, development, and disaster risk reduction
communities. Dr. Campbell is on the Council of the American
Geographical Society, and holds a Ph.D. in Geography, a M.A. in
Geography, and Bachelors in Anthropology, each from the University of

Josh has attended and presented at several FOSS4G events.

Best regards,

Jeff Johnson

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