On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 6:49 PM, María Arias de Reyna
<delawen+os...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 8, 2017 6:46 PM, "Massimiliano Cannata"
> <massimiliano.cann...@supsi.ch> wrote:
> Why not just nominate people on the list but collect seconding on online
> system, like a form? SImilar to those for voting presentation at foss4g!!!
> In previous years it was like this and people still flood with +1. Also,
> this year people were sending proposals directly to the list instead of to
> the cro.
> We are rebels by nature. People will still send things to the list.

Well, they will eventually learn it ;-) ... as soon as a better system
exists than the current "+1" flooding.

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