Dear all,

I'd like to let you know that all the nominated persons got seconded (no veto recorded) and after the board formal approval they will all be officially recognized as OSGeo charter members. However, because of the large number of nominations, we a slight delay in our 2017 elections initial schedule. That's why I propose you to postpone until next Monday the start of the new board members elections. This will give us time to properly update the charter member database and for the board to validate the new members. Also, due to the high number of emails managed by the CROs during the last weeks, one nomination was not processed. We would like to express our most sincerer apologies for this unfortunate situation. To fix this, we propose to make an exception, to accept the nomination and to allow 24 hours for the community to review/second the nomination.

Thank you all for supporting OSGeo!

Best regards,
Vasile & Jeff
2017 OSGeo Elections CROs

On 2017-09-14 12:39, Vasile Craciunescu wrote:
Dear all,

We remind you that the community review of nominations stage of this
year membership process [1] is ending at midnight. Until then you can
still second nominations or send feedback to CRO.

Best regards,
Vasile & Jeff
2017 OSGeo Elections CROs


On 9/1/17 2:46 PM, Vasile Craciunescu wrote:
Dear all,

Please let us give you some updates on the membership process (charter members nomination) [1]. Until now we got 50 nominations. 40 nominees already confirm the nomination and that was reflected on this mailing list and the New Member Nominations 2017 wiki page [2]. Please be aware that the table is not reflecting yet all the endorsements received by the nominees. It's quite challenging to keep up with that. This information will be updated during the weekend and one more time before the nomination period end. Also, the user profile link was not included for the nominees.  This will also be reviewed during the weekend. Some people raise concerns about the phrase "be aware of and protect against a hostile takeover of OSGeo". The reasons for this wording were explained by some of our colleagues here and the subject will be included in one of the next board meetings. That's all for the moment. Thank you for caring about our community!

Best regards,
Vasile & Jeff
2017 OSGeo Elections CROs

PS If you decide to nominate a person as charter member, please include the nominee *e-mail address and the country*. Thank you!

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