Maria your request is at odds with the goal of this website.

Already I have private chats about participants being discouraged. I do not
think that using the board to control the process is a productive or
respectful of those working on the project.

Please reconsider how to interactive positively with the community.
On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 12:10 PM Maria Antonia Brovelli <> wrote:

> If somebody is interested in knowing more about foss4g, we are here. If
> somebody, using whichever proprietary software,  wants to have more pieces
> of information they can contact us and we will provide them with all the
> information they need.
> Contacting and working with us is a definitely different attitude than
> simply  downloading and using. And we are interested in the first type of
> people because we want our community growing.
> Therefore no needs at all to put the names and links to proprietary
> software.
> Please again remote them.
> I'll open a loomio vote of the Board about that.
> Have a good evening
> Maria
> Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung
> -------- Messaggio originale --------
> Da: Jody Garnett <>
> Data: 20/09/17 20:40 (GMT+01:00)
> A: Maria Antonia Brovelli <>
> Cc: Margherita Di Leo <>, Helmut Kudrnovsky <
>>, OSGeo Discussions <>,
> OSGeo-Marketing <>
> Oggetto: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Marketing] Proprietary GIS on our OSGeo
> website
> I like your language that our open source projects are much more than
> proprietary software - it is this reason we are focusing on a team photo
> for each page (rather than a screen shot of the software).
> The original bug report reported a direct link to ESRI which was fixed,
> this is where the "advertising" came in - which was never the original
> intention and was fixed.
> The "Migrate from: ArcMap, MapInfo" idea looks like it does a way better
> job of communicating and is a positive result of this discussion.
> - This information is mission critical for outreach and driving adoption
> of open source, the top question this website and those new to open source
> ask is "I am using XXX, what is available?"
> - In many cases I do not know the proprietary software and a link to
> wikipedia article would give a visitor like me useful context (of course we
> can remove the link and just have text because the website is not for me).
> - It also occurs to me to be respectful of trademark; listing competitors
> is a good practice but it can be done with respect.
> Maria of course no offence is intended to volunteers (myself) included.
> Thanks for participating in this discussion.
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 20 September 2017 at 10:29, Maria Antonia Brovelli <
>> wrote:
>> Jody, I see very difficult  the existence of a  vast majority of GIS
>> industry that has honestly not heard about open source yet.  Anyway I
>> refuse the idea of "similar proprietary software" because our projects are
>> much more than pieces of code. Behind our software there are communities
>> and limiting our projects to pieces  of code is offensive and insulting for
>> the volunteers behind them. We are more and diverse. This is the reason why
>> there are not "similar proprietary software".
>> Thanks for removing the links.
>> Best
>> Maria
>> Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung
>> -------- Messaggio originale --------
>> Da: Jody Garnett <>
>> Data: 20/09/17 18:53 (GMT+01:00)
>> A: Maria Antonia Brovelli <>
>> Cc: Margherita Di Leo <>, Helmut Kudrnovsky <
>>>, OSGeo Discussions <>,
>> OSGeo-Marketing <>
>> Oggetto: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Marketing] Proprietary GIS on our OSGeo
>> website
>> Thanks Maria,
>> I reject the idea that we are advertising proprietary software, so each
>> time it is phrased that way of course everyone well say "no".
>> I want to help our software reach visitors that feel locked into
>> proprietary software, please recognize this goal and how "migrate from" can
>> help.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On 20 September 2017 at 09:49, Maria Antonia Brovelli <
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Jody
>>> Personally I agree with Helmut and I don't see any necessity of putting
>>> "similar proprietary software" on our web pages. I don't think proprietary
>>> software need to be advertized. We are a Foundation about Open Software and
>>> I want to see the open source projects on the website that we have been
>>> paying as OSGeo.
>>> I ask please to remove the "similar proprietary software"  and the
>>> related links.
>>> Many thanks
>>> Best,
>>> Maria
>>> Inviato dal mio dispositivo Samsung
>>> -------- Messaggio originale --------
>>> Da: Jody Garnett <>
>>> Data: 20/09/17 14:45 (GMT+01:00)
>>> A: Margherita Di Leo <>, Helmut Kudrnovsky <
>>> Cc: OSGeo Discussions <>, OSGeo-Marketing <
>>> Oggetto: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Marketing] Proprietary GIS on our OSGeo
>>> website
>>> Thanks for the discussion on the bug report. Please keep in mind that
>>> this website is written by us, but it is not intended for us - it is
>>> intended for the vast majority of the GIS industry that has honestly not
>>> heard about open source yet.
>>> These sections are optional, if one of our open source projects has a
>>> particular target market in mind filling in this information would really
>>> help! Indeed when I go to a normal GIS conference this is the top question
>>> - since I have not had a chance to use the proprietary software it is not
>>> one I can easily answer.
>>> In the above bug report I would like to change the heading from "Similar
>>> Proprietary Products" to "Migrate From", but perhaps that is too
>>> confrontational? I would also like to avoid advertising proprietary
>>> software, linking to the associated wikipedia entry if appropriate.
>>> I am not interested in reciprocity, I am interested in OSGeo projects
>>> taking competition to the GIS industry which as been missing.
>>> On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 5:09 AM Margherita Di Leo <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Helmut Kudrnovsky <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear OSGeo community
>>>>> I want to bring you a discussion on a github ticket about linking to
>>>>> "similar proprietary products" [1] to your attention.
>>>>> My comment there:
>>>>> "I support and concur with Venka that the item "Similar Proprietary
>>>>> Products" should be removed. There isn't only one proprietary GIS software
>>>>> out there, there are several others. IMHO such comparisons may be part of
>>>>> e.g. a reviewed scientific paper/elaboration, where our OSGeo projects - 
>>>>> if
>>>>> they want to - may link to. I see no added value for OSGeo to serve such
>>>>> links. As already elsewhere mentioned by me, reciprocity is the key if 
>>>>> such
>>>>> items are listed, but I can't see this happen. "
>>>> I agree. I don't understand it either.
>>>>> I'm pretty much convinced that more effort to help our OSGeo projects
>>>>> improving on every level (e.g. documentation, reach out, testing, etc) is
>>>>> the key rather than linking to proprietary software. One of such
>>>>> opportunities may be the upcoming Google Code In (GCI) 2017 e.g. to 
>>>>> produce
>>>>> nice screenshots for documentation, produce some fancy videos etc. based 
>>>>> on
>>>>> tiny little tasks for students aged 13 to 17. A good invest in the young
>>>>> who will be our OSGeo's future.
>>>> Thanks for mentioning that, Helli. May I add that suitable tasks for
>>>> students may include design of web pages and / or promotional material, see
>>>> for example
>>>> I take the liberty of cc'ing the marketing committee, because it would
>>>> be nice to see some members joining the code-in mentors pool. Let us know
>>>> that you want to join, writing an email to and
>>>> I'll send you the subscription form.
>>>> Hoping that I didn't go much off topic respect to the original meaning
>>>> of this email
>>>> Thank you
>>>> --
>>>> Margherita Di Leo
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Marketing mailing list
> --
Jody Garnett
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