Dear OSGeo Community,

a few days ago we had a virtual kickoff meeting about Google Code-in. [1]

* What is Google Code-in [2]:

"Pre-university students ages 13 to 17 are invited to take part in Google 
Code-in: Our global, online, contest introducing teenagers to the world of open 
source. With a wide variety of bite-sized tasks, it’s easy for beginners to 
jump in and get started no matter what skills they have. Mentors from our 
participating organizations lend a helping hand as participants learn what it’s 
like to work on an open source project."
* How it works [3]: 
1  Students search for a task that interests them and claim it. They have at 
least three days to complete it. 
2  The student works on the task, getting guidance from mentors, if needed.   
3  Once the student is ready, they submit their work for review through the 
contest website.  
4  Mentors from the organization evaluate the work, provide feedback, and if 
it's complete, accept it! Otherwise, specific feedback is provided, and the 
student goes back to step #2!   
5  Go to step #1 and repeat!

* Example tasks may be:

** Coding
- Add a new (simple) option to a GRASS python module
- ...

** Documentation/Training
- Make a video introducing the various projects under OSGeo
- ...

** Outreach/Research
- Write a fancy blog post about the new cool QGIS 3D capabilities
- ...

** Quality Assurance
- Add a Test Case for xyz to the GDAL testsuite
- ...

** User Interface

- Add icons for specific GIS task
- ...

* Time effort of the tasks should not be longer as 3 to 5 hours!!!

Members of other orgs, which participated in the last years, have joint our 
kickoff meeting.

Lessons learned from the last years' participations:

* a strategic plan needed to generate a pool of tasks doable in 3-5 hours 
(beginner to advanced tasks); from ~50 up to ~100 tasks!!
* a large enough mentor pool that the contest can going on over the period to 
tackle evaluations of about ~ 100 tasks!!

If you are a willing mentor, just write to gsoc-admin(at) and a form 
to fill in will be sent to you.

At the moment, the mentor pool seems not be large enough to apply for Google 

What we have heard from other orgs already participated: Google Code-in is fun, 
nice results for e.g. outreach, though the workload has to be planned
Kind regards

Helmut (on behalf of the OSGeo GSoC admin team)
OSGeo charter member

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