Dear colleagues,

I participated in the Group on Earth Observations Plenary meetings at GEO Week 
in Washington DC this week and had the opportunity to meet and discuss ideas 
with colleagues from around the world.

I want to thank  the excellent work of the GEO Secretariat Team for the 
excellent GEO Week 2017 . I am happy to see that Capacity Development is a key 
focus for GEO and lot of activities happening.  Capacity Development needs to 
empower the developing world. Having Open Data alone will not help the 
economically poor countries/regions if the GIS tools needed to make use of Open 
EO data is expensive and proprietary. Free and Open Source GIS tools will 
enable developing countries to also benefit and be equal partners. It will help 
also create and accelerate local innovation opportunities in EO and location 
based technologies and stimulate local industry and accelerate new jobs 
creation in digital economy for value added services building upon technologies.

The startup community is especially open to the use of open software and open 
data avoiding licensing restrictions which may impact on their business plans, 
raise early start-up costs and restrict their ability to innovate allowing them 
greater branding freedom and product flexibility. There are now many excellent 
startups happening especially in Europe , USA  and  Asia  building upon Open EO 
data and we need to make sure these ecosystems prosper. It is important that 
there are no monopolies are created by any  existing properitery GIS vendors. 
There should be many platforms and systems to make sure there is vibrant 
innovation ecosystem. If there is only one big proprietary GIS platform to 
deliver all services (based on publicly funded and released EO data ), then the 
proprietary GIS vendor will become monopoly.  Hence, it is important there is 
lot of competition to ensure no monopolies are created.  If there is lot of 
competition then Governments and taxpayers as a whole will benefit from cost 
efficiencies, reduce the cost of lock-in to suppliers and products.

There is already a fast growing ecosystem of SMEs and startups in open geo data 
services and this need to be supported by the right policy frameworks and 
instruments .  The right policy frameworks are needed to help create the 
conditions for creating and sustaining thousands of highly skilled jobs in the 
future.   I have highlighted the need for capacity development activities to 
empower everyone.

There was lot of mention of OSGeo and our various software projects in many 
sessions that I attended at Geo Week but I did not see any startups or 
companies from the Open Source Geo ecosystem at the GEO Week. There was also 
many interesting projects like Open Data Cube (ODC)  that was presented  to support interactive data 
science and scientific computing which might be of interest  .

Open innovation is key in driving Digital Economy opportunities and we are 
determined to make sure that everyone benefits. I really hope that we keep 
building the momentum on Capacity Development for enabling Open Innovation 
opportunities for all.

Best wishes,


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