Hi Bart,

I think I had something like 10-12 interactions on this subject. But is not that number but the fact that most of the people I discuss with had previous discussions in the local/project community they belong and that this critics have a larger number of supporters.


On 10/30/17 2:43 PM, Bart van den Eijnden wrote:
Very good point Tom.

The only public complaint I've seen about the new process was in this board meeting by Jeff: http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeo/%23osgeo.2017-10-05.log [1]

Vasile, can you maybe shed some light on how many people actually complained about it?

Personally I don't think it's a good idea to keep changing the process every year, and I'm happy with a more inclusive process (such as the one which is in place now).

Best regards,


14:16:15 jmckenna: yes i have plans to go back to LimeSurvey and voting for 2018 for charter members, requiring 51% 'yes' votes...back to our old process. Important that what happened this year never happens again: voting process was changed in a closed door meeting.

On 30-10-17 13:27, Tom Chadwin wrote:
Dear Vasile and all

I've thought long and hard about whether to reply or not, but it has been 
bothering me, so I guess I must.

However, during the nomination
period, many of our members considered the new membership process way
too inclusive/lite, causing a diminution in the importance of the
charter member position.
As one of the intake of this year's new charter members, I find this both 
insulting and upsetting.

My recommendations for the future board are to: (a) Change the
existing membership process with another one more balanced, that assures
both inclusiveness and a consistent weight for the charter member
Where does that leave those of us elected as charter members this year? Are we "lite" 
members because "many" existing members felt strongly enough about protecting the 
exclusivity of their position to complain privately to the CRO, but not strongly enough to express 
that opinion openly so that it could be discussed?

I really feel for Vasile that people expressed such a potentially toxic 
opinion, thereby absolving themselves of the responsibility of putting their 
names to it, while presumably expecting him to raise it himself, as he has so 
professionally done.

I was extremely proud to have been nominated and generously seconded. 
Recognition and reputation are significant parts of open-source currency. 
However, this attitude creates the impression that membership is a self-serving 

I would have been happy to have gone through a more rigorous nomination 
process. However I, and many of my colleagues - many much, much more respected 
than me - did not, through no fault of our own.

Let me make this clear: this issue and the way in which it has been raised, 
coupled with the white western board election results (concern about which I 
absolutely share), and also the unpleasant flavour of the board election 
through the situation with Jeff are making me question whether I should retain 
the charter membership I was so proud to attain.

Yours in frustration


Tom Chadwin, ICT Manager
Telephone: 01434 611530 Mob:

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