Nice to know that you are not Leaving after all..

Remember you from my
OpenJUMP (GIS <> )with Joy times



On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 5:56 AM, Landon Blake <>

> I feel its time I officially resigned as Chater Member, Editor of the
> OSGeo Journal and Board Rep for the California Chapter. I haven't been very
> successful at these jobs over the past couple of years, and changes in my
> wife's health and my job situation mean I have less time to invest in
> OSGeo. The organization is also much larger and more broadly supported than
> it was when I started. I feel like I need to get out of the way so others
> can act in my abscence.
> I think I will continue to help out with the Incubation Committee, in the
> hope that focusing my modest resources may actually result in some good. We
> will see how that goes.
> That means we will need volunteers to step up to fill both positions. I'm
> not disappearing, so I will be around to help the new volunteers learn the
> ropes if needed.
> I'm sorry this has taken me so long. If I  had done it sooner, perhaps
> we;d already have other robust leadership in place.
> It is good to see how global this organization has become.
> Please reach out to me by private e-mail if you have any questions so we
> don't flood everyone's inbox:
> Landon Blake
> --
> Landon
> "Homemade cookies. Hmmmmmmmmmm!"
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