Hi Astrid,

Thank you for promoting these events in 2018.

I've added a two hour slot in FOSS4G-Europe 2018 program [1] to have
this OSGeo member meeting in Guimarães, on 19 July, 2018. I've created a
wiki to allow participants to add topics in advance [2].

See you in Bonn,

Jorge Gustavo

[1] https://foss4g-europe.osgeopt.pt/program/
[2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Member_Meeting_FOSS4G-Europe_2018

On 17-02-2018 13:10, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:
> Hello OSGeo Members,
> the OSGeo board would like to invite you to participate in one of the
> "Member Meetings" being scheduled 2018:
> - OSGeo Code Sprint 2018 in Bonn [3] (Member Meeting 19. March 2018)
> - FOSS4G North America [5]
> - FOSS4G Europe [6]
> - FOSS4G Dar es Salaam [7]
> - FOSS4G Asia [8]
> Next meeting Monday March 19th at 18:00 in Bonn
> ***********************************************************
> We are planning the next Member Meeting in Bonn on Monday March 19th at
> 18:00 UTC in BaseCamp [1].
> We have chosen the location and time as in the same week will be the
> OSGeo Board Meeting (17./18.3) [2], OSGeo Code Sprint (18.-25.3.) [3]
> and FOSSGIS Konferenz (21.-24.3.) [4].
> About the idea of OSGeo Member Meetings
> ***************************************************
> We would love a chance to talk with you and hope you can attend one of
> the above events. This is a great possibility to come together with the
> charter members, to discuss and to get to know each other.
> At FOSS4G Europe 2017 we had a wonderful board meeting, that many
> members were able to attend, resulting in a great discussion. We would
> like to build on this experience for 2018 and invite you to a member
> meeting at an event near you.
> Format:
> * We would like to have a discussion on OSGeo topics for about 2 hours
> * Shall we define the topics / or we define them at the meeting?
> * Agenda for each meeting defined with your input on the wiki pages below
> * Format may be subject to change depending on numbers attending
> * Afterwards we would like to invite you for a drink and continue the
> discussion socially
> Find out more about the events and see you in 2018!
> Maybe we will meet already in Bonn in 4 weeks. Would be great!
> Astrid Emde
> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Member_Meeting_Bonn_2018
> [2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Face_to_Face_Meeting_Bonn_2018
> [3] http://www.osgeo.org/events/osgeo-code-sprint-2018/
> [4] https://fossgis-konferenz.de/2018/
> [5] http://www.osgeo.org/events/foss4g-north-america-2018/
> [6] http://www.osgeo.org/events/foss4g-europe-2018/
> [7] http://www.osgeo.org/events/foss4g-2018/
> [8] http://www.foss4g-asia.org/2018/

OSGeo Portugal
NIF: 509588190
email: ge...@osgeopt.pt

Próximo evento: SASIG 2017, 20 a 22 de novembro, Porto
Mais informações: http://osgeopt.pt/sasig2017/
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