On 25 February 2018 at 19:16, Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX) <
patrick.ho...@nasa.gov> wrote:

> +1 (for ‘not the only one’)
> It is good to receive support, I am not contesting that.
> But this issue seems worthy of considered discussion.

ESRI payed for (I understand from Frank) some of the initial development of
GDAL/OGR, with out which much of our software would be much more difficult
to implement.

While I am happy to attack ESRI for thier bussiness methods (of the crack
dealer type) I see no problem with taking thier money to sponsor our
events, it's even bettet if they come and talk with us, show us what they
have been upto in the open source world and for them to see what we've been
up to. We also take money from other "evil" empires like IBM, Google, etc
with out any worries that I can recall.

Plus ESRI have those nicely ironic dinosaur stickers.

> Even OGC receives considerable funding from ESRI, further complicating the
> issue.

Why would the OGC not have ESRI as a member? Its an industry standards
consortium.  If I have an issue it is that ESRI, ESRI UK, ESRI Canada etc
are all voting memembers.

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