Dear Jody,

many thanks for this information! Indeed you missed one upcoming event.

In parallel to the OSGeo codesprint from of March the FOSSGIS
conference will take place in Bonn. We have 450 attendees and with that
one of the bigger events in our OSGeo-calendar.

We have quite some sponsors: (scroll down)

What must we do in order to get these sponsors cross listed as

Thanks, Till

Am 10.03.2018 um 19:06 schrieb Jody Garnett:
> If your organization fincially contributes to an OSGeo event,
> community or project you qualify to be cross listed as OSGeo sponsor.
> Welcome to an exciting year of community building at OSGeo! Many of
> our activities are only possible thanks to the support of our
> volunteers and sponsors. If you are in position to finacially support
> our community, events and activities in 2018 we would love to hear
> from you.
> OSGeo sponsorship recognizes organizations that support us financially
> at each level of our community from grass roots local chapter
> advocacy, hands on project sprints, industry focused foundation
> initiatives, to outreach at FOSS4G events.
> OSGeo initiatives:
>   * The conference committee
>     <>
>     heads up a travel grant program offering financial assistence to
>     help attend OSGeo events.
>   * UN Committee <>
>     is spearheading a series of capacity building exercises supporting
>     open source adoption through improvements to documentation. This
>     initative encourages young innovators, selecting from competing
>     bids to directly support open source.
> Event sponsorship opportunities:
>   * FOSS4GUK <> – OSGeo:UK hosting
>     March 8-10
>   * OSGeo Code Sprint 2018
>     <> Annual Code
>     Sprint comes to Bonn (Germany) March 18-25
>   * FOSS4GNA <> – opportunity to learn,
>     explore, share, and collaborate on the latest foss4g ideas and
>     information May 14-16.
>   * FOSS4G-Europe 2018 <> – FOSS4G
>     Europe, July 16-21, Portugal.
>   * FOSS4G <> – our celebrated annual event
>     August 27 – September 2.
>   * Free and Open Source Geographic Information Technologies and Open
>     Data Conference – Comunidad gvSIG Uruguay/GeoForAll Iberoamerica
>     hosting October 18-19
>   * FOSS4G Asia 2018 <> – open source
>     transformation for sustainable development Dec 2-5
>   * Additional regional and project events will be announced
>     throughout the year, keep your eye open for a chance to assist
>     either financially or in person.
> Project sponsorship opportunities:
>   * gvSIG Association <>
>     supporting the OSGeo gvSig Desktop application
>   * QGIS.ORG <http://QGIS.ORG> supporting the OSGeo QGIS Desktop
>     application
>   * zoo-project
>     <>
>   * GRASS GIS <>
>   * In addition to those listed above we accepts sponsorship and
>     PayPal donations for all our OSGeo projects and Community projects
>     making funds available to their respective project teams.
> Local chapters accepting sponsorship:
>   * OSGeo:UK <>
>   * OSGeo:JP <>
>   * Check with the local chapter
>     <> near you for more information.
> OSGeo sponsorship benefits range from website placement, inclusion in
> promotional material, to events and press releases. For additional
> information, examples and available discounts, please see our
> sponsorship page
> <> (or contact
> <> with your questions).
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