The pycsw team announces the release of pycsw 2.2.0.

The 2.2.0 release adds WMS 1.3.0 and WPS process harvesting as well as
plugin support enhancements.
Source and binary downloads:

The source code is available at:
Version 2.2.0 (2018-03-20):

[Bulleted list of enhancements / bug fixes]

   - Support overriding PYCSW_ROOT via environment variable
   - handle malformed basic service options
   - support Python import for plugins
   - support WMS 1.3.0 harvesting
   - implement CQL to Filter transforms
   - implement WPS process harvesting
   - fix CQL literals with spaces
   - include dct:alternative in CSW3 full output
   - update testing framework to py.test
   - implement OGC filter parsing as Python dict for easy parsing by
   repository plugins
   - do not silence exceptions on custom plugins
   - support CQL WKT ENVELOPE syntax
   - check forwarded ip address when pycsw is behind a proxy
   - add official Docker implementation
   - fix CSW service / version support (optional in 3.0.0)
   - fix CSW 3 GetRecords POST handling

Testers and developers are welcome.

We would like to thank OSGeo <> and the 2018 Bonn Code
Sprint <> organizers and
sponsors for their support.

The pycsw developer team.
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