FYI In India CBSE Syllabus has included an 'Optional Paper', Class XII (16
year olds) of GIS.

On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 11:38 AM, Suchith Anand <> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> Some years ago one of the Nottingham University staff asked me a question
> when we were talking that I still remember “Is GIS special if everyone
> becomes GIS Professional? “ I was bit taken back by the question esp. as it
> came from an educator and I replied “There is nothing special about GIS if
> it is for few rich people only but if it the learning opportunities for GIS
> are made available for everyone it is truly special ... “.
> I was very lucky to get the opportunity to learn GIS. I still remember the
> struggles  I faced to just get access to learning GIS  (over two decades
> back!)  as very few universities had GIS that time in India. I spend
> nearly two years going around different universities and places knocking so
> many doors to just to get access to GIS . My dream that time was to get
> opportunity to do my final year undergraduate project using GIS.
> Unfortunately in spite of all my best efforts I failed that time . But
> that experiences made me realise years later when I did get opportunity
> to learn GIS that now I need to everything in my abilities to keep the
> doors of GIS education open to all and no student anywhere should go
> through what I went through.
> When GeoForAll was started , I faced lot of ridicule and opposition from
> some but I also got lot and lot of amazing support and help from so many
> amazing colleagues at Nottingham and globally. Thanks to all our amazing
> colleagues, we have truly made GIS education opportunities open to all.
> Please share our resources with all
> <>
> geoforall-teaching-research-resources-colleagues-students/
> I am requesting all colleagues to keep the doors of education opportunities
> open for all. For me, Openness is not just about open source or open data
> … It is about the Open mindsets  to help make education opportunities
> inclusive to students from  all economic and social backgrounds. So  *“Is
> GIS special? “*  I leave it to you to decide…
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
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