Hi Luís,

(you forgot to reply-all in your response, no problem)

Yes the OSGeo Gitea instance is fully open to anyone with an OSGeo ID, and you can create both public or private repositories. I can also confirm that OSGeo's Gitea (https://git.osgeo.org/) has been stable for a while now, and most of OSGeo's system architecture files are leveraging it, as well as many software projects (you can browse the activity at https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/explore/repos).

Migration Tool

Once you login with your OSGeo ID (if you don't have one yet head to https://id.osgeo.org/) you should then see a small + icon in the top right, click that and select "New Migration". There is a "Clone Address" field that you can then paste the link to your Github repository.

New Repository

You can also just create a new (public or private) repository: Once you login with your OSGeo ID (if you don't have one yet head to https://id.osgeo.org/) you should then see a small + icon in the top right, click that and select "New Repository".

Hope this info helps you get started. If you have any issues just head to the IRC channel #osgeo-sac and ask there (you can connect directly in your browser at https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=osgeo-sac) -jeff

Jeff McKenna
President Emeritus, OSGeo Foundation

On 2018-06-05 9:24 AM, Luí­s Moreira de Sousa wrote:
Dear all,

on a more serious tone, I have a heap of personal stuff at GitHub, including my 
personal web page (more like a CV). Would it be fine to move this stuff to the 
OSGeo Gitea instance? Apparently the platform is fully open to anyone with a 
OSGeo Id (correct me if I am wrong).

Thank you.



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