Hello charter members

Hoping that this weekend you have time to work on adding your data to the
OSGeo website.
Remember that the most important element of our organization are the

Hey, this week 3 members were added to the automatic list, so at the rate
of 3 per week I will never finish ;)

Last week: 150 charter members, are  still missing 240 charter members.​

This week: 153 charter members, were still missing 237 charter members.​

So I kept my self busy this week:
The profile pate is using the avatar, I hope you like it.
I also added a link "Website" that makes use of the field "website" and
hopefully you are pointing it to your wiki.


For the ones that had never logged into the OSGeo webapge
Note that the wiki login & the osgeo login are different, this last one is
an LDAP login

Click on login,
fill your (LDAP) login and password

if you dont have an LDAP account: https://id.osgeo.org/ldap/create
you will need a mantra. (you can ask me for it or click on the mantra

To change your OSGeo password, go to: https://id.osgeo.org/ldap/edit

If you forgot your password, go to https://id.osgeo.org/ldap/reset

For the ones that are already registered on the OSGeo webapge but I could
not find you because data might be incomplete

Please update your data:
* fill "website" field with link to the OSGeo wiki page you created when
you were nominated.
* Fill your first name and last name & e-mail

If you:
* are creating your member page,
* or if it exists already and you are not in the automated section of
charter members page,
* or if you see a mistake
* or need the mantra
* or have any problem

please send me a reply privately, so that we don't inundate discuss channel
and I can give you a hand.



Georepublic UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Salzmannstraße 44,
81739 München, Germany

Vicky Vergara
Operations Research

eMail: vi...@georepublic.de
Web: https://georepublic.info

Tel: +49 (089) 4161 7698-1
Fax: +49 (089) 4161 7698-9

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