Dear colleagues,

It has come to my attention that there is rapid increase in low quality and 
dubious submissions send to all journals. This is a global problem that needs a 
coordinated effort to help solve.  With the rapid increase in lot of low 
quality and dubious  submissions to all journals , it is important that all 
professional and scientific organisations are careful in this .

My humble suggestion and request is that all  GIS professional organisations 
should avoid  taking any sponsorship or royalty for scholarly publications 
(books, journals etc) from any GIS vendors . If a professional association 
takes sponsorship for any scholarly publication (edited books etc)  from any 
GIS vendor and agrees to publish it through the vendor’s press then there is 
potential issues with independent peer review and ensuring scientific quality. 
It is only natural that any GIS vendor publication press to have vested 
interests in promoting their products and  agenda. It also makes it easy for 
the vendor to get endorsement for their  products from scientific and 
professional organisations using this route.

By taking sponsorship for scholarly publications (edited books etc)  from any 
vendors , it will then become difficult for the Professional Organisations to 
take strong moral  stand against low quality and dubious submissions for other 
journals .Especially in times we are seeing increase in fake scientific 
articles submissions etc, it is important to  have clear guidelines for any 

I am happy to work on a Open Letter to highlight this issue but will need help 
from the wider community. If you are a journal editor, it will be very helpful, 
if you can share the statistics of how many  articles that you have identified 
in the last three years that are problem and you have rejected .It will be 
helpful to share examples of these (removing author details etc) , so the wider 
community is aware of the problem and can take steps to help reduce the problem 
in the future.

Best wishes,


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