When:  October 22-26th
Where: North America (Victoria, BC), Europe (Italy or UK proposed), Oceania
(recommendations welcome)
Wiki: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Java_2018_Code_Sprint

If you or your project is interested in taking part, even remotely, please
add yourself to the above wiki page!

The Java community has a challenge ahead, with recent policy changes the
Java platform is now seeing some change - *and we have a python 2 vs python
3 migration moment with the introduction a a "jigsaw module system".*

Top level applications like GeoServer and GeoNetwork need to make some
changes in order to run at all. Mostly this requires a dependency review,
upgrading to new libraries such that are compatible with Java 11.

Java libraries like JTS and GeoTools are put in an awkward position as they
are a bottleneck on using the module system (popularly referred to as
the module
hell problem
<http://blog.joda.org/2017/05/java-se-9-jpms-automatic-modules.html>). A
further complication for modules is a restriction preventing two jars from
making use of the same package.

Planning is currently underway:

   - GSIP 171 Java 18.9 Compatibility
   <https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/GSIP-171> (GeoServer)
   - Strategy for GeoNetwork
   - Restructure GeoTools into Jigsaw modules

Recommended reading:

   - What Comes After JDK 8? <https://www.azul.com/what-comes-after-jdk-8/> -
   java release cycle changes
   - It's time! Migrating to Java 11
   spring upgrade example
   - The State of the Module System
   <http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/sotms> - technical
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