Dear all,

It's time for the 2018 OSGeo Foundation Board Elections.

The nominations for the OSGeo Board of Directors started already
[1]. Please take a minute to understand what the board actually
does[2]. A director should plan to spend several hours a week on OSGeo
business in order to do a good job. The current board members will
know best.

To nominate a candidate for the board please first confirm with the
person that they would like to stand for election as a Board member.
Then send an email to CCing the candidate by 23:59 GMT on Sunday 11 November 2018[3] consisting of:

- name and e-mail
- current country of residence
- a paragraph describing why you think this person would make a good
Board member.

Remember that only Charter Members are eligible for a seat on the
Board and for voting but that *anybody* can *nominate* a board member.

Candidates are encouraged to put their vision and ideas for their term at Election 2018 Candidate Manifestos [4] and sending them to Discuss mailing list for further conversation.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Vasile, Vicky & Jorge
CRO 2018 Elections


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