Hi OsGeo,

I hope you are doing great, besides saying hi I would like to share with
you I was in invited to be part of the GeoGeeks panel who will be choosing
the top 100 Geospatial companies and startups in the World in 2018. I would
like to invite you to participate. Please find the link here
it is a Google form with questions that will help the panelist to know the
companies better.

If you have any questions please do let me know and if you have other
companies in mind that should participate feel free to share the link to
them  or re-direct them to me, I will be glad to help them. The industries
considered are:

o Location Data Analytics / Location Intelligence

o Navigation / Autonomous Driving

o Location-based Marketing

o Remote Sensing / Photogrammetry

o Drones

o Mapping / GIS

o Computer Vision / Augmented Reality

o Blockchain, Decentralization

o Internet Of Things

o Urban Planning

o Human Geography

Thanks and hope to see you in the top 100 geospatial companies in the world



P.S. Deadline November 10th
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