Forwarding nomination of Tom Kralidis by Bart van den Eijnden. The Board Nominations page has been updated:

Vasile, Vicky & Jorge
CRO 2018 Elections

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: board nomination for Tom Kralidis
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 15:38:37 +0100
From: Bart van den Eijnden <>

Tom Kralidis

Toronto, Canada

tomkralidis AT gmail DOT com

It is my pleasure to nominate Tom Kralidis for the OSGeo board. The first time I met Tom was at the MapServer User Meeting in Ottawa in 2004. This goes to show that Tom has a long-standing involvement in Open Source Geospatial.

He has been an OSGeo charter member since 2007. He has contributed to numerous OSGeo software packages, such as MapServer, GeoNode, QGIS, PyWPS and OWSLib, and he is the creator of pycsw. He is also on several Project Steering Committees (PSCs).

Tom is also a longtime member of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), where he was the lead contributor to the Web Map Context specification, and is currently involved in development of the emerging Catalogue Services 4 standard.  Tom is a strong proponent of open standards as is evident in his numerous efforts as a developer and power user over the years with OSGeo tools.

Tom currently works at the Metereological Service of Canada.

Given his diverse background and dedication to open source and open standards, I think he would make a great OSGeo board member.

Best regards,


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