I also second this nomination for Steven Feldman. I've found Steven to be insightful, practical, pragmatic, kind and considerate of others, and an excellent community builder. You can get a feel for these qualities from his recent FOSS4G presentation: "Open Communities we love to hate"



On 16/11/18 7:00 pm, Vasile Craciunescu wrote:
Forwarding nomination of Steven Feldman by Eli Adam. The Board Nominations page has been updated: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Member_Nominations_2018

Vasile, Vicky & Jorge
CRO 2018 Elections

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: OSGeo Board nomination: Steven Feldman
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 11:45:51 -0800
From: Eli Adam <ea...@co.lincoln.or.us>
Reply-To: ea...@co.lincoln.or.us
To: CRO <c...@osgeo.org>
CC: Steven Feldman <shfeld...@gmail.com>

Hi Vasile/CRO,

I'm nominating Steve Feldman of the UK.  He has already confirmed to me
that he will accept the nomination but you can double check with him if you
want (he's in cc).

Steven first became involved in OSGeo in 2012 when he was invited to chair
FOSS4G in Nottingham by the UK chapter. Since then he has been a Charter
Member, a former chair and now active member of the Conference Committee,
vice chair of FOSS4G UK, Treasurer of the UK chapter, has lead 2 Travel
Grant Programmes and has been an (at times noisy) advocate for OSGeo. He
brings an analytic and commercial focus and passion for the community to
all of his efforts on behalf of OSGeo.

I've had the pleasure of collaborating with Steven on various projects
through the years and can't recommend him enough.  He's logical, smart,
funny, enjoyable, hard working, effective, aware of the bigger picture, and capable of completing the details.  He posses a depth of knowledge and life experience of great value to OSGeo.  While possessing such background, he's
also relatable, cutting edge, and connected.  Steven also connects with
newer community members to include and mentor newer community members.  It is with great enthusiasm that I nominate Steven Feldman for the OSGeo Board
of Directors!

Sincerely, Eli Adam

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