Dear colleagues,

Indigenous territories are threatened by fires, illegal logging, mining, and 
other external land use activities. The sustainable management of such land, 
most effectively stewarded by indigenous peoples, is critical for mitigating 
greenhouse gas emissions, increasing resilience to climate change, conserving 
biodiversity, and protecting the heritage of indigenous cultures.

Earth Observations for Indigenous-led Land Management (EO4IM) is a NASA-funded 
project implemented by a team from Conservation International (CI) and is 
aligned with the AmeriGEOSS<> program of the Group on 
Earth Observations (GEO) and the Dedicated Grant Mechanism 
(DGM)<> for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. 
The project's objective is to strengthen the technical capacities of indigenous 
peoples' organizations in the Americas, and globally, through alignment with 
the DGM.

This introductory webinar series will share lectures, case studies, and 
demonstrations with representatives of indigenous peoples' organizations and 
will focus on how Earth observations (EO) data and tools can provide spatial 
information for forest monitoring, mapping ,and responding to ecosystem 
threats. This series will help attendees strengthen their technical capacities 
to use EO data and tools to enhance their sustainable land management practices.

There is no cost for the webinar, but you must register to attend the sessions. 
One session of this training will be held in Spanish and one in English.

More details and how to register at

Best wishes,


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