Dear colleagues,

It is sad to read the news of the fires in the Amazon rainforest. It has 
serious implications for people who call the basin home and for the millions of 
species of plants and animals that live there. The Amazon rainforest is one of 
the world's greatest, natural assets when it comes to tackling the problem of 
climate change.

If you are attending GEO Week 2019 [1], please consider attending this session 
on EO and the World's Indigenous Peoples and contribute your ideas. I suggest 
that we add an agenda item in the GeoForAll meeting  on 28th August in  
Bucharest and invite colleagues to contribute ideas on how we can support this 
session and the  GEO Week 2019 Hackathon,  an innovative hackathon to advance 
the use of Earth observation (EO) data by and for youth in indigenous 
communities [2].

The GEO week 2019 Session details below


EO and the World's Indigenous Peoples

Traditional indigenous groups represent 370 million people globally and 
indigenous territories cover almost 30% of Earth’s terrestrial surface and 
overlap with 80 percent of the planet’s biodiversity. Indigenous peoples are 
often the most effective sustainable land managers, yet indigenous communities 
often lack access to resources and technologies that can help secure their land 
rights and monitor threats to their territories from outside interests. In this 
session, indigenous peoples’ representatives from 5 continents will discuss how 
they leverage Earth Observation data and tools to promote their rights and 
sustainably manage their lands. We anticipate the GEO community will benefit 
from the insight and knowledge of First Nations /Indigenous Peoples and gain 
valuable perspective on how we might collectively achieve our sustainable 
development goals.

Indigenous peoples are key stakeholders in achieving global sustainability and, 
therefore, should equally benefit from using geospatial data and tools to 
inform land management decisions. While GEO’s principles state that all 
individuals from public authorities to citizens should have equal rights to 
information that concern environmental decisions, to date, the larger earth 
observation community has recognized that coordinated strategies and further 
work is needed to further democratize geospatial data with indigenous 
communities. This event is intended to open a dialogue with the GEO community 
and discuss options for a larger EO4IM community to help achieve enhanced 
technical capacities of Indigenous Peoples via the GEO umbrella.


Government of Australia, Conservation International, NASA Coordinator of 
Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon River Basin (COICA), GEO EO Citizen 
Science Community Activity

Details at

I thank GEO and the organisers for this session and I will do my best to 
support this session. I request GeoForAll colleagues to include this as an 
agenda item for the GeoForAll meeting [3]  and share your ideas and support 
this session.

Best wishes,





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