Hi Chris and all

Now more than a year later I'd like to revive this issue plus another one.
Both are related to my goal to implement a "minimal OGC-API-Features
Server" (formerly called "MiniWFS3").

Question 0: What's the "state of the spec." regarding the requirement
and meaning of "self-link" in a OGC-API-Features Server?

Then, we're struggling how to deal with the /api/ endpoint:
We're testing our minimal server implementation of OGC-API-Features
with ogrinfo as client.
And the maintainer of ogrinfo answered [1]:
> Conformant servers should implement a API page, not necessarily
> under the /api endpoint, but at the endpoint they declare in the landing page.
> See http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/17-069r3/17-069r3.html#_api_landing_page

I actually can't really follow the spec. about minimal required
"metadata" paths there:
So a server SHALL implement an /api/ response either as "relations
service-desc" or as "service-doc response with an Accept header"?


[1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2019-December/051296.html

Am Sa., 18. Mai 2019 um 22:27 Uhr schrieb Stefan Keller <sfkel...@gmail.com>:
> Dear Chris (dear all)
> Thanks, Chris, again for your detailed answer and explanation.
> We've implemented a tiny WFS3 server in Go and I'm just stumbled over
> the response requiring a “self-link” (rel=“self” which includes the
> collectionId).
> Is that really mandatory - and what's it used for?
> (Tell me where to move with this discussion if this list isn't the right 
> place).
> :Stefan
> Am Fr., 3. Mai 2019 um 16:41 Uhr schrieb Chris Holmes <cholmes@radiant.earth>:
> >
> > Hey Stefan, I composed a pretty long message on my view on ideal 
> > relationship between STAC and CSW, I'll paste it in below. The main 
> > conceptual thing to me is that most CSW's have been about 'layer' level 
> > search, and image / 'asset' level search is actually different. In OGC 
> > history the 'ebrim profile' of CSW actually did the image / asset level 
> > search well. But in my opinion they are different enough that we shouldn't 
> > group them all in one thing. An asset level catalog could/should be 
> > equivalent to a 'data cube', and so should slot at the 'layer' level.
> >
> > As for schema.org, we've made attempts to align with it, but at the level 
> > where STAC is transformed into HTML output. See 
> > https://github.com/radiantearth/stac-spec/blob/dev/catalog-spec/catalog-best-practices.md#stac-on-the-web
> >  for info on how we think about HTML & STAC, and in particular the 
> > sub-section on schema.org, etc.
> >
> > The in depth view I wrote on csw and stac is:
> >
> >
> > The ideal relationship between CSW, WFS and STAC is that WFS _is_ the api 
> > that all three use. STAC and CSW should just be specialized content - they 
> > use the same API response, but the JSON responses must comply with 
> > particular JSON Schemas. With STAC the core is id, geometry, datetime, 
> > links and assets - 
> > https://github.com/radiantearth/stac-spec/blob/master/item-spec/item-spec.md#item-fields
> >  Any WFS Item that meets the STAC Schema could be considered part of STAC. 
> > STAC also includes an ecosystem of more particular types that build on that 
> > base. So the Electro-Optical extension has more fields that comply to a 
> > schema that can be added and queried. The goal is to encourage more bottom 
> > up communities of interest. But any of those can be queried from the STAC 
> > endpoint. That's the vision at least, and we're trying to align with WFS to 
> > do it, but there's more work needed, which I'll detail below.
> >
> > Then to me CSW should be a set of fields that describe a collection of 
> > data. So it'd have like title, license, keywords, spatial and temporal 
> > extents, etc. Could theoretically just use the same fields that CSW 3.0 
> > defined, and make those a JSON content type. Define the schema, and then a 
> > 'CSW 4.0' would just be a WFS 3 that serves up that content. WFS 3 still 
> > hasn't quite specified its query language afaik, so maybe CSW4 requires a 
> > particular richer query language. But it should be the same query language 
> > that is at least an option for WFS. Thus any WFS client could naively query 
> > a catalog, requesting the fields it needs and getting the response. A CSW 4 
> > client would be an extension to the WFS one that perhaps takes advantage of 
> > some more expectations. It could be possible that you would add like 
> > 'harvesting' extensions for CSW 4, but those should be generic WFS API 
> > mechanisms. So a CSW is a WFS endpoint that meets a set schema definition - 
> > whatever flavor of dublin core works best - plus it may also specify some 
> > required WFS API extensions that should be used.
> >
> > I do think there is an opportunity to combine WFS and CSW even more, by 
> > aligning the schema of CSW with the response in the 
> > /collection/{collectionId} endpoint in WFS. Like the way it defines 
> > extents, title, etc. should be the same as the CSW JSON response. Ideally 
> > CSW defines additional fields that are useful for defining a dataset, and 
> > then the WFS /collection/{collectionId} endpoint can use those same fields. 
> > This would make it so every WFS is 'harvestable' by a CSW. And then any WFS 
> > could supply a special /collections/csw endpoint, that exposes the metadata 
> > of all the other collections that are in that WFS.
> >
> > So basically CSW should be the summary of dataset / collection level 
> > metadata, available through the WFS API. And then STAC is 'asset' level 
> > metadata - references to other types of geographic files that can be 
> > downloaded. So one could easily see a service that implements all three:
> >
> > /collections/buildings/ (a standard WFS layer - a set of vectors)
> > /collections/landsat/ (a STAC (and EO Extension) compliant WFS layer that 
> > has every landsat scene available for search)
> > /collections/sentinel/ (another STAC & eo compliant WFS layer)
> > /collections/csw/ (the CSW endpoint, that has 3 records - the collection 
> > level metadata for buildings, landsat and sentinel)
> > /stac/ - the browse endpoint for STAC, that returns STAC catalogs that 
> > navigate down to individual records)
> > /stac/landsat/L8/166/077/  returns all a json STAC Catalog that returns 
> > links to individual feature records in /collections/landsat/
> > /stac/search/ - the endpoint that does cross collection search, returning 
> > results from both landsat and sentinel.
> >
> > The 'collection level metadata' of the /collections/csw/items/ would be the 
> > exact same fields returned at /collections/buildings, etc.
> >
> > In an ideal world we probably wouldn't even have /stac/search - that would 
> > just be a standard WFS search endpoint that can do cross collection search, 
> > which it sounds like people are maybe working on?
> >
> > That highlights that in STAC we do a few things that should just be done in 
> > the WFS spec. Indeed any type of API construct, like querying and 
> > transactions (which we do have in STAC), should be defined in WFS. STAC 
> > could choose to use a particular set of API constructs, but they should be 
> > more generic components at the WFS level. We have /stac/search/ because WFS 
> > doesn't yet have cross collection search. We have a query language because 
> > WFS's doesn't have one that meets our needs yet, etc. The other thing WFS 
> > doesn't have is the 'static' browse ability, that we have in /stac/, but I 
> > do think it would be a good addition, and then we wouldn't really need to 
> > do anything 'special' - STAC would just be a set of schemas to be used in 
> > WFS.
> >
> > We have actually aligned STAC even more with WFS, with our STAC Collection 
> > using the same fields as a WFS collection. Though there were a couple 
> > little things off about the WFS Collections. The goal to me is to make a 
> > 'collection definition' of some set of core required fields, plus 
> > additional dublin core/etc metadata fields that are optional. And that is 
> > returned at /collections/{collectionId} but is also the same fields for a 
> > CSW search, but even also defines coverages or other data types as well - 
> > you have the same core construct of how you describe a 'layer'.
> >
> > On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 6:14 AM Stefan Keller <sfkel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Thx for the quick info.
> >> Now I'm keen to learn more about SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC)
> >> and it's relationship to existing metadata standards (geo and general
> >> non-geo).
> >> :Stefan
> >>
> >> Am Fr., 3. Mai 2019 um 14:55 Uhr schrieb Scott Simmons
> >> <ssimm...@opengeospatial.org>:
> >> >
> >> > Hi Stefan,
> >> >
> >> > I can talk to WFS3. We now have a roadmap for all OGC candidate 
> >> > standards under development (not fully populated, but those closest to 
> >> > approval and a few others are in the roadmap):
> >> > http://www.opengeospatial.org/roadmap
> >> >
> >> > This roadmap will be more formally promoted in the coming weeks once we 
> >> > get it fully populated.
> >> >
> >> > WFS3 (now being referred to as OGC API Features) is to be briefed to 
> >> > both ISO / TC 211 and OGC in June in advance of approval voting in each 
> >> > organization. No guarantees, but the OGC approval is forecast to occur 
> >> > after our June Technical Committee Meeting (24-27 June) in Leuven, 
> >> > Belgium. Voting takes about 2 months in total.
> >> >
> >> > Best Regards,
> >> > Scott
> >> >
> >> > Scott Simmons
> >> > Chief Operations Officer
> >> > Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
> >> > tel +1 970 682 1922
> >> > mob +1 970 214 9467
> >> > ssimm...@opengeospatial.org
> >> >
> >> > The OGC: Making Location Count…
> >> > www.opengeospatial.org
> >> >
> >> > On May 3, 2019, at 6:44 AM, Stefan Keller <sfkel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Hi Chris
> >> >
> >> > Let me chime in here with two specific question about my understanding
> >> > of WFS3 and of STAC..
> >> > A. When will WFS3 become an OGC standard? Is there a road a map? (I
> >> > know about the London Hackathon mid year)
> >> > B. What is the relationship of STAC with Catalog Service for Web
> >> > (CS-W) and metadata (schema.org) in general?
> >> >
> >> > :Stefan
> >> >
> >> > Am Do., 1. März 2018 um 14:33 Uhr schrieb Angelos Tzotsos
> >> > <gcpp.kal...@gmail.com>:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Thank you Chris for the information.
> >> >
> >> > Best regards,
> >> > Angelos
> >> >
> >> > On 03/01/2018 02:17 PM, Chris Holmes wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Just realized I forgot to reply to this, but that's a great idea. I'll be
> >> > in Orleans for the OGC meetings, so will be on the same time zone. And
> >> > there's definitely some STAC collaborators who will be in Bonn.
> >> >
> >> > Note also that we're organizing a remote participation option for next
> >> > week. GeoSolutions is going to be working on implementing WFS 3 in
> >> > GeoServer and Even Rouault is going to be looking in to GDAL bindings for
> >> > WFS 3.0 and STAC. Would be great for others in Europe to work on OSGeo
> >> > projects while we're working away in Ft. Collins. Obviously any WFS 3 /
> >> > STAC implementation & spec feedback in the next few weeks would be great,
> >> > but we're hoping to be able to show lots of diverse progress next week.
> >> >
> >> > For more info see
> >> > https://medium.com/@cholmes/participate-remotely-in-the-wfs-hackathon-next-week-d11a99eb510b
> >> > and please sign up to participate at 
> >> > https://goo.gl/forms/v8hyeJvd2yudYvZS2
> >> >
> >> > best regards,
> >> >
> >> > Chris
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 8:15 PM, Angelos Tzotsos <gcpp.kal...@gmail.com>
> >> > wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Thank you Chris for organizing this event and for reaching out to this
> >> > mailing list.
> >> >
> >> > I feel there is strong interest from our community to participate on the
> >> > development of these new standards, and I know that there is ongoing work
> >> > towards this from some OSGeo members, so I am sure you will see some of 
> >> > us
> >> > in Ft Collins.
> >> >
> >> > Let's make an OGC/WFS/STAC Catalog session during the Bonn Code Sprint: I
> >> > realized that the Orleans OGC TC meeting is on the same week as the Bonn
> >> > code sprint. Perhaps we could all join a video call session during that
> >> > week?
> >> >
> >> > Best,
> >> > Angelos
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On 02/13/2018 03:34 AM, Chris Holmes wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Hello OSGeo-ers!
> >> >
> >> > I just wanted to make sure everyone knew about an event [1] I'm helping
> >> > organize, to bring together developers to give feedback on the evolving 
> >> > WFS
> >> > 3.0 specification. It's organized by Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), 
> >> > and
> >> > sponsored by USGS, but the goal is make it different than a typical OGC
> >> > event. Indeed the direct inspiration is the code sprints that OSGeo runs,
> >> > but to center it around a standard and give developers an opportunity to
> >> > actually code against the spec _before_ it becomes an official standard,
> >> > and to have any feedback incorporated.
> >> >
> >> > I'm not sure if many people have been following the progress of WFS 3.0,
> >> > but it's been made more like how we build open source software, with an
> >> > open repository on github [2], and management of the spec through issues
> >> > and pull requests. And it's JSON and RESTful at the core, aiming to be 
> >> > much
> >> > easier to implement than existing OGC specs. For more backstory on it and
> >> > my take on its potential see my blog posts [3].
> >> >
> >> > I'd love to see a number of OSGeo people come, it's on March 6 & 7th in 
> >> > Ft.
> >> > Collins, Colorado. Contributing I believe will help show OGC that there 
> >> > is
> >> > interest in the wider developer and open source world if they do things
> >> > differently, and help evolve how they create standards to be more
> >> > compatible with how developers work. I'm also organizing a day on March 
> >> > 8th
> >> > on SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog[4] [5], an open spec a group of us 
> >> > started
> >> > working on to search satellite imagery archives, that I'm hoping we can
> >> > align with the WFS specification. If you're interested in WFS and/or STAC
> >> > just email me and I can give you more details, or just fill out the form 
> >> > athttps://goo.gl/forms/RqQtNbfdEOHuLE272 - there are some limited travel
> >> > grants if that helps get there.
> >> >
> >> > I know travel may be tough for those also going to Bonn, as the OSGeo
> >> > sprint there is two weeks later. I am figuring out if we will do a remote
> >> > participation option for Colorado, so email me if you're interested in
> >> > that. And Angelos had a great idea[6], of organizing a session on 
> >> > WFS/STAC
> >> > at Bonn, which I'd love to see. Drop me a line if you are attending the
> >> > OSGeo code sprint and interested in attending (or leading :) a session
> >> > there.
> >> >
> >> > best regards,
> >> >
> >> > Chris
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > [1]https://medium.com/@cholmes/wfs-3-0-and-spatiotemporal-asset-catalog-stac-in-person-collaboration-609e10d7f714
> >> > [2] https://github.com/opengeospatial/WFS_FES
> >> > [3] https://medium.com/tag/wfs-3/latest
> >> > [4] https://github.com/radiantearth/stac-spec/
> >> > [5] https://medium.com/tag/stac-spec/latest
> >> > [6] https://twitter.com/tzotsos/status/963081024187060225
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
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> >> > Discuss mailing 
> >> > listDiscuss@lists.osgeo.orghttps://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
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> >> > --
> >> > Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
> >> > Charter Member
> >> > Open Source Geospatial Foundationhttp://users.ntua.gr/tzotsos
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
> >> > Charter Member
> >> > Open Source Geospatial Foundation
> >> > http://users.ntua.gr/tzotsos
> >> >
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