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## Karl sent a message, on Jan 27 @ 3:53pm (UTC):


My name is Karl, lead contact for Rails Girls Summer of Code [1], a
program run by Travis Foundation [2] aiming to improve diversity and
opportunities in tech for people from underrepresented groups.

We're currently appealing for open source projects to apply to RGSoC
2020 and would love for members and friends of the OSGeo Foundation
community to get involved.

This may be especially of interest to those of you familiar with
Google's Summer of Code. As a global program, I wanted to reach out to
OSGeo chapters all around the world to offer you the opportunity to
get involved.

Rails Girls Summer of Code provides experienced-beginner level female
and non-binary coders scholarships to work on established open source
projects. Students, who can apply from anywhere in the world, work
alongside their mentor and coaches from July-September. They gain
valuable skills and experience while OS projects benefit from their

I include further information below this email. Full details can be
found at https://railsgirlssummerofcode.org/ [3].

It would be awesome if anyone working on an OS project that could be a
great fit for the program would consider being a mentor this year.
Projects can be submitted to our Teams App [4] until 10 February 2020.

The project can be in any programming language, it is not restricted
to Rails.

Our guide for mentors [5] contains everything project maintainers need
to know but if you or they have any further questions please do not
hesitate to contact me.

Could you help us spread the word among your community? It really
would be appreciated. Even a retweet [6] or share on Facebook [7]
would be extremely helpful.

Many thanks and kind regards,


Rails Girls Summer of Code will return in 2020 for its 7th edition,
continuing our mission to bring more women and non-binary people into
Open Source. 

In 2018 we introduced part-time scholarships and received a staggering
195 applications from student teams for the 13 places we could offer,
with 7 full- and 6 part-time teams participating.

Here are some choice statistics from the first 6 years: 

RGSoC is not confined to any programming language. In the past, we
have had project submissions in Javascript, Python, PHP, Rust,
Clojure, Ruby, Java, C++ and more. 

According to a survey conducted among our students in 2017, more than
half continue to contribute to Open Source after the season. Over 90%
of participants end up in a technical position in the industry, most
of the time as developers. We want to build on this success.

We also invite you to follow RGSoC on Twitter [8] and Facebook [9] and
help us reach out across the globe.

[1] https://railsgirlssummerofcode.org/
[2] https://foundation.travis-ci.org/
[3] https://railsgirlssummerofcode.org/
[5] https://railsgirlssummerofcode.org/guide/projects/
[6] https://twitter.com/RailsGirlsSoC/status/1214102049819901952
[8] https://twitter.com/RailsGirlsSoC

Karl Dickinson


 [1]Twitter [2] | Facebook [3] | Newsletter [4] | Donate [5] [6]
Rails Girls Summer of Code is an initiative run by Travis Foundation

Berlin, Germany | GF/CEO: Randy Jacops
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Berlin, HRB 158037 B | Umsatzsteuer-ID
gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE295684024

[1] https://twitter.com/RailsGirlsSoC
[2] https://twitter.com/RailsGirlsSoC
[3] https://www.facebook.com/RailsGirlsSummerofCode/
[4] http://eepurl.com/gJ7D4r
[5] https://railsgirlssummerofcode.org/campaign/
[6] https://railsgirlssummerofcode.org/campaign/
[7] http://foundation.travis-ci.org/

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