Dear All,

I introduce myself as Ashish Kumar, a sophomore from IIT (BHU) Varanasi
(Indian Institute of Technology - Banaras Hindu University), India pursuing
a B.Tech. degree majoring in Computer Science and Engineering.

I have a keen interest in the graph algorithms and have personally coded
and used many of the graph algorithms, even those already implemented in
pgRouting. As I come from a competitive programming background with a touch
of development and good experience in open source, I am eager to contribute
to pgRouting through GSoC '20 by implementing the Graph Algorithms.

I have gone through the GSoC Ideas given here ( and the
Idea 12 interests me. I have already registered on the Gitter Channel of
pgRouting ( and have discussed the
Project Idea somewhat with the mentors.

After some planning and discussion, I propose to implement following Boost
algorithms in pgRouting:
(i) Depth First Search (boost::undirected_dfs and
(ii) Sequential Vertex Coloring (boost::sequential_vertex_coloring).
(iii) Maximum Adjacency Search (boost::maximum_adjacency_search).

I have been drafting my proposal from the last few weeks and I think it is
complete now. I have already shared the draft in the GSoC website with the
mentors and hereby I am also sharing my draft proposal with all of you with
comment access so as to get your valuable feedback:
Please take some time to review it and suggest some modifications, before I
submit the final proposal on the GSoC website. I would be very grateful for
any feedback or criticism.

I am looking forward for your valuable feedbacks on the Draft Proposal.

Thanks and regards,
Ashish Kumar.
Email: /
Phone: +91-6205144592
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