sorry yesterday video is

Luigi Pirelli

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On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 10:04, Luigi Pirelli <> wrote:

> FYI online webinars organised dy QGIS  mexico user groups have the
> following setup (all video are available here
> yesterday
> live is
> - Jitsi meet for speakers
> - a Streamer person to who all speakers ar connected with Jitsi meet.
> - The streamer person, with a good laptop and good upload network, use OBS
> to stream his jitsi window + audio directly to a video streaming platform
> (they use youtube)
> Attenders chat and interact using the streaming platform chat, but they
> can use telegram or something else, but having in the same streaming
> platform can allow playback having chat recorded
> - Every one can enter in jitsi meet (e.g voice questions with or without
> video) just rising hand => the moderator (e.g. the streamer person) pass
> him the conference link (shared privatly) to connect to the conf.
> - an alternative audio setup with really low latency just for question and
> discussion is using mumble.
> IMHO for a conference there are really good FOSS alternatives to Zoom o
> other proprietary stuffs.
> We (Spanish QGIS user group) are plannign AGM next month using similar
> setup... adding voting stuffs or via Telegram/polls or via others as
> some tools listed in:
> and especially in:
> regards
> Luigi Pirelli
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> On Fri, 8 May 2020 at 17:33, Steven Feldman <> wrote:
>> Trying a second time because the first post did not seem to get through
>> Hi
>> A couple of weeks back the OSGeo:UK team (Jo Cook, Dave Barter, Steven
>> Feldman, Alastair Graham, Antony Scott and Matt Travis) mentioned on
>> twitter that we were trying to put together an online FOSS4G event.
>> We are delighted to now formally announce that we will be running
>> FOSS4GUK Online on 17th June.
>> This will be an online-only event intended to give us a little FOSS4G fix
>> while we are in, or just coming out of, lock-down. It will be a chance to
>> share some of the work we’ve been doing during (or in spite of) this
>> strange time, as well as a useful experiment in how we can run online
>> conferences alongside our face to face events in the future.
>> We hope that the online format will allow our community across the UK and
>> from further afield to participate from their desktops whether it is for
>> the whole day or dipping in and out for an hour or two. We want to make the
>> online event as interactive and engaging as possible so we are open to your
>> suggestions via the Call for Presentations.
>> *Technology*
>> We have decided to use zoom to run this event, we looked at most of the
>> alternatives (open and proprietary) and we concluded that zoom offered the
>> best platform for us to run this event in terms of stability, scalability,
>> features and ease of use for delegates and admins. We have tested on Linux,
>> Mac, Windows, Android and iOS. It is also very reasonably priced so we are
>> able to run the event as a free event for hundreds of delegates, we will
>> probably encourage delegates to make a charitable donation but that will
>> not be mandatory.
>> *Call for Presentations*
>> We welcome technical talks, demos, user stories (particularly ones about
>> the use of FOSS4G tech during the Covid19 crisis), thought pieces... In
>> fact we welcome any talks that are based on Open Source Geo and are not
>> pushing a sales message.
>> We will also be offering a small number of workshops (ca 90 minutes)
>> which will need to be instruction style rather than fully interactive.
>> Our call for presentations
>> <>
>>  has
>> been extended until the 18th May, we hope you give us a hard choice
>> choosing what to include in the programme.
>> *Volunteering*
>> We need volunteers to help in the planning and build-up stages and also
>> to help on the big day. If you would like to get involved please fill in
>> the Volunteering form
>> <>
>> and we will get in touch as the needs arise.
>> We would welcome people to assist in programming, marketing, web stuff,
>> design, responding to delegate enquiries, video editing skills, experience
>> of running large meetings or events on zoom and possibly streaming to
>> youtube. Tell us what you can do and we will get back to you
>> Right now, *we need a FOSS4GUK Online logo* that incorporates the
>> traditional FOSS4G ribbon
>> <>. Please send us your
>> ideas.
>> That’s it for now folks, we look forward to your presentation and
>> workshop submissions, your offers of help and most of all seeing you online
>> at FOSS4GUK online on 17th June.
>> We will keep posting formal updates on this list, there will be a new
>> event website at in a few days and look out for lots of
>> activity on our twitter account @OSGeoUK <>
>> May the FOSS be with you
>> ____________
>> Steven Feldman and the OSGeo:UK Team
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