On 24/09/20 19:59, Nathan D wrote:

I have a question regarding network plugins for qgis. I am trying to solve a problem regarding gravel trucks and slope, with the idea of saving money on fuel, as a fully loaded gravel truck uses more gas to go up a slope, rather than down. I have managed to get the slope data I needed, and draped it over the road lines, giving me a start and end slope, with a third column for the average of the start and end slope degrees. The problem is this: I can't find a network analysis plugin for qgis of any kind that allows for user defined impedences, allowing me to create a road hierarchy. I know that ArcGIS has that functionality, but I was hoping that QGIS would have something like that, and I am not sure if I can build it.

You can use the GRASS GIS v.net.* modules which are accessible via the processing framework's toolbox if GRASS GIS is installed. They allow defining a cost column for impedences.


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