When installing an app from a package on Linux, the binaries go in /usr/bin/, 
the data files go in /usr/share/<app>/, and the desktop files go in /usr/share/
applications/. When installing from source, or installing from a package on 
DragonFly, the binaries go in /usr/local/bin/, the data files go in /usr/local/
share/<app>/, and the desktop files go in /usr/share/applications/. When I 
install it in my home directory, the binaries go in ~/bin/. The desktop files, 
however, go in ~/.local/applications/. Where should the data files go?

I've been setting SHARE_DIR to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/<app>. If I put 
the desktop file in ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/applications/, that would be 
correct for a system-wide install, but wrong for a personal install. I checked 
SHARE_DIR in CMakeLists files seven levels deep (PDAL has some that are that 
deep), but found none that set SHARE_DIR to anything else. Is there another 
CMake variable that tells where desktop files go?

One of the lines in the desktop file tells where the icon is. PerfectTIN has a 
256×256 pixel icon. Do I have to shrink it for the desktop file?

ve ka'a ro klaji la .romas. se jmaji

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