Dear colleagues,

Public Health England Regional Teams Food Insecurity webinar on 11th March 
might be of interest. Details below.


About this Event

Food security can be defined as the condition, "when all people at all times 
have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to 
meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.“ 

In the UK, not everyone lives in a state of food security. Its opposite, food 
insecurity, is a reality for many. The impact of Covid-19 and its response has 
highlighted this critical issue in our society and for the increasing number of 
households that experience it.

In the UK measures have recently been added to local and national surveys to 
ascertain the level of food insecurity, but currently, there is no single, 
reliable measure to enable Local Authority Directors of Public Health to 
quantify and benchmark the level of need and risk in their particular area.

Tracking the level of food insecurity at the national level is necessary to 
understand the scale of the problem, and trends across time. But data 
collection at the local area level is essential if we are to address food 
insecurity and its impacts, and to track the issue over time. This raises 
several questions: How is food insecurity measured at the local level? Who is 
involved in collecting these data? How are these data used? Most importantly, 
where are the gaps and what data do local area partners need in order to 
effectively intervene and support households and individuals who are 
experiencing food insecurity?

Please join us for a webinar on 11th March from 10am to 12:00 noon to discuss 
these issues with partners from across the Midlands, Southwest, the Southeast 
and Yorkshire & Humber.

PHE regional teams will host this webinar, which will have a two-part aim:

• Discuss how to support local systems to identify and collect data and 
intelligence of food insecurity, what to use it for and how to use it.

• Facilitate discussion to better understand the gaps in local data collection 
and what is needed to support both the short-term emergency response to food 
insecurity and to support sustainable approaches to collaborate to tackle 
widening inequalities as a result of COVID

[1] Committee on World Food Security, 39th Session, 2012,

Register for the webinar at


Please also see link to previous webinars (links at bottom of page) at

Hidden hunger is a growing issue in developed economies. GODAN is  building  a 
resource repository of various initiatives, publications to share knowledge and 
experience. Details at

I request all to please share any information on research projects, 
publications on food poverty alleviation initiatives in the UK and worldwide. 
We are looking forward for your participation in this Working Group and 
contribute your expertise for our collective mission to end hunger and poverty, 
both locally and globally.

I am grateful to everyone, everywhere working for Zero Hunger Aim.

Best wishes,


Dr Suchith Anand

Chief Scientist

Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition<>

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