
The page <> links to the code of
conduct for several communities, but we no longer have a single code of
conduct as an organization. Indeed projects / events / local chapters are
able to choose an appropriate code of conduct - just like we ask free and
open source projects to choose an appropriate license for their community.

Personally I recommend adopting one of the community managed code of
conducts (Berlin Code of Conduct <> or
Covenant <>) since it is not a lot of
fun to write one of these things and keep it up to date. Or keep it simple,
as the bards once said: *Be excellent to each other*
Jody Garnett

On Sun, 30 May 2021 at 23:18, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) via Discuss <> wrote:

> 2021-05-31
> News Item:
> The OSGeo Board of Directors issues this statement in response to recent
> events in the tech and global communities in relation to issues of
> inclusion, equity, and justice:
> OSGeo strives to be an open, welcoming, and safe community and, to that
> end, we continue to work to improve how we treat all members of our
> community.  We believe our community is built on the collective of all
> of our actions and that each individual has an impact on whether people
> feel welcome.
> OSGeo values the contributions of each and every member in all aspects
> of the organization, including (but not limited to) using and promoting
> open source geospatial software, contributing code, documentation, event
> speakers, participating in joint events with other organizations, or
> within  various committees.
> All participants, regardless of how or where they participate in OSGeo
> activities, are expected to behave with integrity and respect for all
> people.  We encourage all members to review the Code of Conduct, make
> necessary adjustments to their behaviors as needed, and to discuss the
> Code of Conduct within committees and projects.
> Code of conduct:
> OSGeo Board of Directors
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