Good news everyone!

We have published a first version of the schedule![1]
Note that you can change the timezone using the drop-down selection at the
top left of the schedule. Default timezone shown is Buenos Aire's timezone.

The schedule is still subject to change, as we are still tweaking minor
changes. All speakers will be soon contacted by the session leaders in
charge of their session. Vouchers for the registration tickets will be
released soon. We are working as fast as we can, please be patient.

If you sent some proposal but you don't see your talk published there and
you didn't receive a rejection email, it may be we are still waiting for
your confirmation. Please, check your inbox and your spam box because you
should have either an acceptance email or a rejection email. And if you
can't find anything and/or you want to double-check, login into the call
for papers[2][3] and confirm your status.

**There are accepted talks waiting to be confirmed. Don't be one of those!**

Thank you all for your participation. This is going to be great.

See you soon!

[1] or if you prefer on a
table by rooms
[2] Talks:
[3] Workshops:
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