Hi All,

Similar to Adam, I'd like to thank Michele Tobias for her nomination in
this year's OSGeo board elections. My manifesto can be found here:


A few of the main points from my manifesto:

   - I decided to run for board membership as a way of giving back to the
   community upon whose shoulders I have built my career.


   My interest in joining the OSGeo board is mainly to serve as a voice for
   the free and open source community. If elected, I will continue to foster
   awareness, adoption, and participation within the geospatial community, but
   will have a more official platform of doing so. I would also serve as a
   voice of the user within the board, bringing the perspective of the typical
   user successes and challenges.


   My vision is that OSGeo remains a strong, important, inclusive, and
   reliable player in the tech space, providing FOSS4G users and developers
   with *information*, *support*, *opportunity*, and *community*.

I'm very happy to answer questions or discuss any topics y'all might want
to explore!

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