Dear OSGeo Members

Please accept my greetings and I hope you are doing well.

I would like to thank Astrid and Vicky for nominating me for the OSGeo
board position. It's indeed a special feeling for me.

With great pleasure and honor, hereby, I am sharing my manifesto for your
kind perusal.
My manifesto can now be accessed online:

My primary interest is in learning and propagating the experiences to the
new members to the best of my capabilities. Also, to encourage new members
to join the community and contribute to the OSGeo community projects with
OSGeo’s initiatives like Google Summer of Code with OSGeo.

Please feel free to send your queries and feedback. I would be happy to
address them and would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Stay healthy!
Kind regards,

Rajat Shinde
OSGeo Charter Member
Ph.D. Candidate
Prime Minister's Research Fellow
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.
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