Hi all,

Thanks Michael, your set up a list of good points to keep in mind

On Sun, 20 Feb 2022 at 20:12, michael terner <terner...@gmail.com> wrote:

>    - *Financial Involvement by OSGeo *
>       - Sharing the risk beyond providing advances
>       - Active *work* to help insure the financial health of the
>       conference
>       - Human being from OSGeo paid to oversee the process and
>       help/mentor LOCs
>          - It is OSGeo's largest fundraiser, and as such OSGeo should
>          actively invest in success (and share more of the risk)
> I fully agree, I think OSGeo should be the entity signing directly the
contracts with all interested bodies in the conference

>    - *Shared Systems*
>    - Call for papers and program submittal review
>          - Community voting
> since this year we have it https://talks.osgeo.org/ (thanks to SAC)

>    - Registration
> we could do the same af talks installing pretix on our infrastructure (we,
as Firenze LOC, didn't ask this because we need to use the PCO one)

>    - Website platform/framework
>       - Conference Mobile App
> Using pretalx a good choice is to use

>    - Partnering/technical approach for online video, and archiving when
>       it is needed/required
>          - This can be a very large cost
> Venueless is really chip and strong enough to support hybrid conference.
It is possible to send stream for most of the provider so venues can
provide their own stream

>    - Etc.
>    - *Sponsorship*
>       - Outreach to previous/recurring and global sponsors, including
>       maintaining "the list" of who to communicate with
>       - Coordination, and guidance to LOCs for recruiting new local
>       sponsors, and being introduced to global sponsors
> yes, this year we try to merge and clear few lists, we will provide a
final one at the end of the conference

> With these things covered, there is still *plenty *of work to be done and
> unique value to add:
>    - *Setting the vision*
>    - *Setting the program*
>    - *Promoting the conference to ensure strong attendance*
>       - The hosting region generally supplies the large majority of
>       attendees
>    - *Generating new in-region sponsors*
>    - *Coordinating with the OSGeo team*
>    - *Involvement with all the systems*
>       - The systems may be chosen, but it is the local team that develops
>       website content; identifies program tracks; *uses* the registration
>       system on a daily basis; etc. But, the team doesn't have to go through 
> the
>       effort and angst of selecting and, if necessary, paying for those 
> systems.
>    - *Recruiting and activating local volunteers to help make the
>    conference run and be successful*
> I suggest to add also Travel Grant too

I believe this discussion has been very productive and it will be
> interesting to see what the next steps are now that it appears that a
> strong quorum has chimed in.
> MT

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