Dear colleagues,

GeoEthics is an important topic that needs more attention and GeoEthics 
Awareness Dialogues are a way to  build and share ideas for developing 
GeoEthics and ethical business practices.

Why there is a need for GeoEthics Awareness Dialogues?

“The world has enough for everyone's needs, but not everyone's greed."  - 
Mahatma Gandhi

There is a need to promote greater understanding of GeoEthics and ethical 
business practices.  There has been some information of unethical business 
practices by some GIS vendors from pay discrimination against female employees 
to  vendor lobbying to racism etc . GeoEthics Awareness Dialogues are a way to 
build and share ideas for developing GeoEthics and ethical business practices. 
These GeoEthics Awareness Dialogues are informal and can be part of any 
meetings, events etc (for example in Geography awareness week, GIS Day, OGC 
meetings, GEO meetings etc) to build and share ideas for developing GeoEthics 
and ethical business practices in all GIS companies and organisations.  Some 
example ethics topics below.

Say NO to pay discrimination against female employees

GIS vendor was found by U.S. Department of Labor for pay discrimination against 
female employees. Details at

What policies are there to ensure that there is no pay discrimination against 
female employees in any GIS companies?

Say NO to corruption, Vendor lobbying and unethical business practices by GIS 

Say NO to Racism in GIS

It is disappointing to learn about the scale of Racial discrimination in the UK 
work environments. Details at

Study to understand the scale of Racial Injustice in Geographic Information 
Science/Earth Observation Research and Education

Is it Ethical for any GIS Vendors to use  “Science” as part of 
marketing/sales/promoting any vendor brand/products/services?

Is it Ethical for any GIS Vendors  (Vendor X or Y , it doesn’t matter) using 
“science” as part of marketing strategy for selling/promoting their 
products/services/brand. Is using “science” as part of marketing for 
selling/promoting products/services/brand by GIS vendors misinformation ?

GeoEthics is an important topic that needs more attention and GeoEthics 
Awareness Dialogues are a way to discuss and share information in GeoEthics 
topics.  So start GeoEthics Awareness Dialogues in your organisations, 
universities , companies, SMEs etc  to build and share ideas for developing 
GeoEthics and ethical business practices.

These GeoEthics Awareness Dialogues are informal and can be part of any 
meetings, events, conferences etc in the GIS community (for example in 
Geography Awareness week, GIS Day,  GEO meetings, GEO week,  OGC meetings etc) 
to build and share ideas for developing GeoEthics and ethical business 

Ethical frameworks in governance at all levels (from global to national to 
local) are important to protect democracy, protect human rights and prevent 

Best wishes


Dr Suchith Anand

Senior Adviser to Governments and International Organisations | Scientist | 
Board member | Governance | Policy | Consultant in Data Science and Data Ethics 
| Global Citizen | SDG Volunteer and Advocate

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