Dear colleagues,

GeoEthics is an important topic that needs more attention and GeoEthics 
Awareness Dialogues are a way to build and share ideas for developing GeoEthics 
and ethical business practices. It is important to find the courage to speak 
out on ethical issues affecting humanity.

Is publicly funded Earth Observation (EO) data now being used for benefit of 
few Billionaire Vendor Owners and shareholders of a handful of big data 
platforms ? If so, why?

More details at

The rise of EO Data Feudalism raises many ethical questions:

Who owns Africa EO Data Portals?  What are the costs to be payed per year to 
the GIS Vendor Owners by African countries and citizens in a few years' time 
for accessing EO data and insights?

Initially the GIS vendors usually give free subscription for a few years to get 
governments and users to adopt the vendor's service and then start charging 
huge amounts per year . You can get some ideas from the discussions on GIS 
subscription model costs and GIS Vendor's Education agenda at

What is the impact of EO Data Colonialism for African countries and for the 
people of Africa?

How does EO Data Feudalism affect CARE Principles?

Is there any information on how much costs do each government have to pay to 
GIS vendors each year ?

Read this email thread few years back (2015) to get an idea of the wider Geo 
data and services subscription model costs charged by some GIS vendors .  The 
cost information is for one department in one city in USA ( $15,000 + per year!)

You can read the full discussion at

What is the impact of EO Data Feudalism on Humanity?

Why there is a need for GeoEthics Awareness Dialogues ?

“The world has enough for everyone's needs, but not everyone's greed.” Mahatma 

There is a need to promote greater understanding of GeoEthics.  There has been 
some information of unethical business practices by some GIS vendors from pay 
discrimination against female employees to vendor lobbying to racism etc . It 
is important to find the courage to speak out on ethical issues affecting 

Details at;416532f.2210

These GeoEthics Awareness Dialogues are informal and can be part of any 
meetings, events , conferences etc  in the GIS community (for example in 
Geography Awareness week, GIS Day,  GEO meetings , OGC meetings, GEO week etc) 
to build and share ideas for developing GeoEthics and ethical business 

Ethical frameworks in governance at all levels (from global to national to 
local) are important to protect democracy, protect human rights and prevent 

Best wishes


Dr Suchith Anand

Senior Adviser to Governments and International Organisations | Scientist | 
Board member | Governance | Policy | Consultant in Data Science and Data Ethics 
| Global Citizen | SDG Volunteer and Advocate

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