Dear colleagues,

The second edition of the Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 
( organized by 
OpenGeoHub<> and Eurac 
Research<> will take place within the 
Open-Earth-Monitor project ( from 4 - 8 September 
2023 in Bolzano (Italy).

The programme will be a deep-dive around "Open Earth Observation and Machine 
Learning technology to support European Green Deal", featuring keynotes, poster 
presentations, and interactive sessions to facilitate the dialogue between 
developers and users communities, with the aim of lowering the barriers of data 
accessibility and usability for decision-making.

European institutions and research networks, business developers and NGOs will 
test the first versions of the environmental monitors made by the consortium 
based on Earth Observations, field data and advanced Machine Learning open 
technologies. Call for abstracts and workshop proposals are open now 

If you have developed (or are in the process of developing) a free and 
open-source project/product related to EO and other geospatial technologies 
that could support decision-making and the achievement of the EU Green Deal, or 
are part of a similar project, we invite you to participate by sending your 
proposal for a workshop. This will be an occasion to present, discuss and 
gather feedback directly from potential users of your products, making tools 
and data more accessible and usable.

Deadline: 1 February 2023

Kind regards,
Ivelina Georgieva on behalf of the Open-Earth-Monitor team

Ivelina Georgieva
Research Assistant
Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainablity (NODES)
Advanced Systems Analysis (ASA)
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria |<>
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