
I would like to initiate a local chapter in Brazil, and while reading the
instructions for starting Local Chapters, I noticed the indication to send
this first email.
The intention is to register the local chapter in Brazil, considering that
we have been in existence since 2009 and that our activities and
involvement have started to gain momentum in the past year. I would like to
present our wiki page: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Brasil

Could you kindly let me know what I can do to get started and follow the
future steps?

Best regards,

*Tatiana Pará M. de Freitas*
Agrônoma, especialista em Geotecnologias
Mestre em Desenvolvimento Rural e GEAE
Profª E.B.T.T. do  Instituto Federal do Pará - IFPA
Fundadora do projeto Meninas das Geotecnologias
*Rising Stars* 2023 -
*Geospatial World forum*Membra oficial *the Open Source Geospatial
Foundation* – OSGEO
Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8346985753324274
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