Le 18/08/2023 à 20:50, Jody Garnett via Discuss a écrit :
Thanks for setting that up, can we add it to the website ad an event or news item? That way it can be shared on social media and email lists.

The missing voice on this discussion (and osgeo in general) is the small and medium business owners.

A whole bunch of the concern is the impact on small and medium business owners. We have not yet heard from our service providers and sponsors on this subject.

I count as a small business owner, actually a one man company, and service provider and I'm indeed really concerned by the CRA.

Seeing obligations of reporting security events within a 24h delay makes me believe that I will have no right for any vacations.... The whole text seems to have being written with quite large software companies in mind with sufficiently big teams so they can organize on-call teams.

It is also completely inadequate to make a service provider responsible for the whole codebase: if I charge a customer for an enhancement in a part of the software, is it legitimate to make bear what happens in other places of the code base I may possibly not have written ? The text possibly doesn't imply this (but then it becomes fun to determine who is responsible to respond to a given security event), but such scenarios specific to open source decentralized model are not detailed, so we are in the legal uncertainty domain...

Also the obligations linked to the lifetime of a version are written with companies that have regular income from licensing fees and can actually take a part of them to organize security monitoring and response. Service providers don't necessarily have recurring income sources linked to a software, given that they charge for the labor (one time event) but not usage (long-term event).  What happens if I'm no longer involved with a software: am I still liable for what I wrote in the past, and people still use for free, but I should still bear the costs while no longer getting any related revenue ?


My software is free, but my time generally not.

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